Chapter Twelve

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"Y/N? Are you okay dear? You zoned out on me, love." Mrs. Weasley struggled to gain your attention.

You snapped back. "Y-yes ma'am." You stuttered.

As you came back, mentally speaking, the Weasley kids made their way back inside.

"Y/N, where were you?" Fred asked.

"You missed this super awesome shot I made," George exclaimed.

"Oh, um." You rubbed the back of your neck nervously. " I was working on a surprise for you Fred, it's actually ready now. If you would follow me outside." You grabbed the picnic basket you and Molly had prepared and Fred's hand and made your way outside.

As you set the picnic blanket out Fred offered to help set up. "Absolutely not, Fred Weasley, it is your birthday, let me treat you." you finished smoothing out the blanket and motioned your arms in a 'your carriage awaits' kind of fashion. "You sit, relax, and let me set it up."

Fred sat and leaned back on his hands looking up at the sky. "Whatever you say, boss." He said.

You set out the sandwiches, lemonade, and potato salad. You wanted to save the caramel crunch for later.

"This looks amazing, Y/N." He exclaimed.

"I would hope so," You started, "Your mom helped with most of it."

"I'm sure it would look great without my mother's help." He assured you and began to dig in.

You began eating as well. "You must have worked up an appetite from quidditch. " You stated after he grabbed his third sandwich.

"That," He paused, "and it tastes amazing, I am getting full though, may not even finish this one." He held the sandwich up.

"Damn, that's a shame, guess we'll have to wait a bit for dessert." You said.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, dessert was never mentioned, I wouldn't have filled up if I'd known that." He paused with a sad look on his face. After a second or so he perked up and got real close to you. "What is for dessert, hm?" He poked you in the side.

"Well you'll just have to wait, now won't you?" You teased.

"Oh please tell me, please, please, please..." He pushed, poking your side more.

"My lips are sealed, Fred Weasley." You laughed, at this point he was on top of you tickling you. After a second of squirming and laughing he pauses. You were laughing so hard that you barely noticed him sitting there staring at you, it was only when his hand touched your face that you snapped from your hysterics.

"You really are incredibly beautiful, Y/N," he said, before you could respond he leaned down and kissed you. It started soft, sweet, but soon turned deep and passionate, his hands in your hair, yours in his. This is what you've always dreamt of, he was just so lovely, and you were so happy. You pulled away first, and staring into his eyes asked, " Fred Weasley, will you be my boyfriend?"

He sat there, a bit stunned that you asked that question first. After a few moments too long he wrapped his arms around you and laid his head on your chest, " Of course Y/N, nothing would make me happier." no more than two seconds later George and Ginny came running out of the burrow over to the two of you. "Were you spying on us!" Fred shouted.

"We would never, congrats Y/N," Ginny shouted

"Can you guys not be creeps?" Fred asked.

"If it makes you feel better we looked away when yall started making out," George said then stuck his finger in his mouth and made a gagging sound.

Fred rolled his eyes. "Well if yall will excuse us, my appetite is back and I'd like my dessert now, so shoo."

"What did you make him for desert Y/N?" Ginny asked.

"Caramel Crunch." You stated. Fred and George both perked up.

"How'd you know that was my favorite?" Fred asked.

"As I said, your mom helped," you paused, " a lot."

"Hey!" George shouted. "It's my favorite too," he looked towards you, "can we stay and have some too?" He pleaded, puppy dog eyes and all.

You looked to Fred, he looked a bit perturbed. He looked to you, you leaned over to him and whispered, "Cmon it's his birthday too." 

Fred groaned. "Fine, sit down you creeps," he patted the blanket. You pulled out the caramel crunch and began serving it. they instantly began eating an eruption of yums and other satisfied noises came from them, by the time everyone had their fill there was non left.

"That was amazing Y/N," Ginny said, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"All credit belongs to your mother, I seriously couldn't have done it without her." You said, blushing.

"Stop being so humble, Love," Fred stated. You blushed at being called Love but nodded. Ginny helped you cleaned after she shooed the boys inside.

"Y/N and Fred, sitting in a tree." She started up. You laughed which was followed by Ginny laughing. When the laughter finally quieted ginny spoke, "Thank you, Y/N."

"For what?" You questioned.

"For making us forget for a bit what's going on, in the world y'know." A sorrowful look spread on her face.

"It's really nothing, Ginny. I'm just enjoying the time here, with your family, and Fred." The same melancholic look from Ginny spread onto your face, you're loving all of this but you can't shake the thought of what's to come. One month, one month until the battle, its hard to focus on the fun with that looming over you.

You snapped from your thoughts and grabbed the basket and blanket, thanked Ginny for the help cleaning up, and headed inside. Mrs, Weasley was slaving away at a giant blob of cake, she turned her head towards you and Ginny. "Hello, girls." She exclaimed, she was covered in cake and icing.

"Mom, you're a mess," Ginny stated. "Wheres Fred and George?"

"I sent them upstairs so the cake could be a surprise." She stated.

"Well we'll be up there," Ginny said and headed upstairs, ushering you up as well.

"Oh, Y/N dear if I could talk to you for a minute," Molly said.

You stopped and swallowed nervously. "Yes ma'am."

"Uh-oh, you're in trouble," Ginny teased. You elbowed her ribs then descended the stairs once more.

 Sorry, this is a shorter one, but it felt like a good stopping point.

I legitimately spent all day writing this chapter, half of chapter eleven, and working on the ending, I'm gonna try to post at least every saturday, if I can get more done ill try to post twice a week but the writers block is strong rn. Thank you all for sticking around, 


Side not i have a tiktok if yall wanna follow me there its cbblueeee

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