Chapter Ten

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You opened the door to the transfiguration classroom, the room fell silent. "Miss L/N." Nice of you to join us." Mcgonagal said. 

"I'm sorry professor," you stated. "I slept in." A few of your Gryffindor classmates laughed.

"As you are still obviously recovering from your incident I will let it slide this once." She pointed to the rows of desks. "Take a seat." You kindly followed your professor's instructions and took a seat next to Ginny.

Ginny looked at you with a frown. "You missed breakfast. Everything alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was catching up on homework." You pulled out your textbooks.

"Oh, did you sleep well-"

"Miss Weasley! Am I interrupting something?" McGonagall asked.

"No professor." Ginny lowered her head.

"I'm sure whatever you two are speaking of can wait until lunch." She turned to face the class. "Turn to page 142."

The chapter was on animaigi, animaigus's? Whats the plural of animaigus? 

After a few hours lunch finally arrived. You and Ginny sat down next Neville, your stomach made a sound reminiscent of a troll. "That's what happens when you miss breakfast, Y/N" Neville teased. You began piling food onto your plate.You could honestly eat a horse right now. You glanced over at the staff table for a brief moment. Snape was glaring at you. You were too hungry to care to be completely honest, you returned to your food tearing it to shreds like some carnivore. 

After a day back to classes and dinner you were completely exhausted, you were so tired the stares and whispers of others went completely unnoticed by you. You plopped onto your bed before you heard a tapping at the window. "Bloody hell!" You shouted. You just wanted to sleep, is that too much to ask? You hesitantly got out of bed and opened the window, Fred's owl flew in and dropped a letter on your bed before flying right back out onto the windowsill. You fell back into your bed and opened the letter.


I'm glad you're doing better, it was quite a mishap you had. 

Well in other matters, I was wondering what your easter plans were? If you would like you're welcome to join my family.  I hope to see you there.


Wow, easter with the Weasleys, it's gonna be great. A huge grin grew on your face. Of course you didn't have plans, not like you have any family in this world, of course, he didn't know that no one did. You pulled out some paper and a quill from your bag beside your bed and began writing.


I would love to join your family for Easter, my family will be on vacation at the time so I have absolutely nothing planned. Can't wait to see you.


You sealed it up and offered it to the bird, it flew over and took it before flying out into the darkness. You grabbed your wand and magically closed the window. You quickly drifted off into the deepest sleep you've had in awhile.

Hey, my peeps! So I've finally decided how to get to the end of this damned story. Y'all might just be getting quite a few new chapters soon. And gawd I am sorry its taken so long to get another chapter out, but its here. Thank you all for being so patient with this and I hope to bring another chapter to you soon


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