Chapter Two

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Sorry for the late upload, I've been busy as heck

Your vision was hazy, and you had a strange nauseous feeling in your stomach. You sat up and looked around, you weren't in your room, the room you were in look almost identical to the dorm rooms in the Harry Potter movies.

You rubbed your eyes, actually, it looked exactly like the ones in the movies. You must have been dreaming, you must have read way to much Harry Potter. 

You pinched yourself, nothing happened, you pinched yourself again, a little harder, and the same result as the last. So you weren't dreaming, or the stupid pinching trick doesn't work. You stood up and looked around, by the looks of it, you were in a H/N dorm. Awesome! That was your house, you had taken way to many quizzes online and the majority said H/N.

You opened a trunk that was at the foot of your bed, it was full of robes, ties, and other articles of clothing. It also contained a bag with your school supplies in it. You checked a clock on the wall (because apparently Hogwarts has those) it was half past breakfast time, you grabbed a robe out of the trunk and a tie and put them on, you grabbed the bag full of books and headed out. Even if this was just a dream you were going to make the most of it.

You were walking down the hall, you heard whispers of Harry Potter being MIA (missing in action). You finally made it to the Great Hall, it was almost empty and almost all the people that were in there were quiet. You noticed Neville Longbottom hanging out with Ginny Weasley and a few other students, they were surrounding a copy of the Daily Prophet and whispering about Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, you got curious and walked over.

"What if they're hurt..." Ginny was shaking.

"Oh, Ginny I'm sure they're fine." Luna Lovegood chimed in.

You looked over their shoulders at the paper. It read: Undesirable No. 1, Harry James Potter, reward for capture and wand. The papers date read:  February 28th, 1998.

Ginny turned around to face you. She smiled at you. "Hey Y/N!"

"Oh, um, hi Ginny."

"Settling in okay? I know it's not S/N but is it okay?" She asked.

I must be an exchange student. You thought. "Yeah, it's great. It's a bit darker than what I'm used to, but it's nice."

"That's good, let me know if you want to stay in a different house and I'll make it happen."

"Oh no, the house I'm in is perfect!" You exclaimed.

"That's good." Ginny said.

"So, what's going on here?" You asked.

"It's Harry, Ron and Hermione, we told you about them," Neville said. "We haven't heard from them in months and Ginny's kinda freaking out."

"They've been gone for months, Neville!" Ginny shouted the rest of the Great Hall began to stare, she lowered her voice. "They could be... Could be..." She didn't finish, but everyone knew what she was trying to say.

"I'm sure they're fine, Ginny. I mean this is Harry, Ron, and Hermione we're talking about here." Neville said.

"Neville's right sis." You heard two voice's say in unison.

Ginny perked up.

"Fred, George?! What are you doing here?" She ran up to the twins and hugged them. "You're not students anymore."

"We felt a disturbance in the force." George said.

"Bet you didn't see that coming did you?"Fred asked.

Ginny laughed. "Okay, now why are you really here?" She asked.

"We came to check on you." George said.

Fred was making glances at you. You could feel a slight blush creeping up on your cheeks.

Fred whispered something to his sister.

"Oh, that's the exchange student from S/N." Ginny said glancing over at you.

"Exchange student?" George asked. "I'm surprised they're sending exchange students at a time like this." He said quietly.

"I was a bit shocked to, but Y/N was really excited to go so they let her." Ginny explained.

Fred turned and headed towards you. You started to panic internally. 

Oh my god he's coming towards me.

"Hi." He said as he brushed his hair back with his fingers.

"Oh, um... Hi..."

God I'm so awkward.

Welp it's official I don't know how to write romance.
Just letting you all know that this book will probably be pretty short, but to make up for that I will try to make the chapters longer than normal.

Also I made two references in this chapter, can you spot them both? Probably, because one is really fricking obvious

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