Chapter Six

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Holy shit I finished it finally (excuse the profanity) I'm so proud of myself, 2000-ish words bro. Well, please enjoy because I worked hella hard on this. Enjoy this Fred fluff to get you through Monday

You hung around Honeydukes until Fred went on break. It felt longer than it actually was, you were so anxious to hang out with him. This all felt like some crazy dream, the ability to do magic, attending Hogwarts, meeting him... All of it felt like a dream.

"Ready to go Y/N?" Fred asked snapping you from your thoughts.

"Yeah. Whenever you are." You smiled. Fred began to walk to the door and you instinctively followed.

"You really didn't have to wait for me, Y/N. I told you I would meet you in front of the Three broomsticks." Fred said as he held the door for you.

"Oh, it was fine, I don't really know my way around this place anyways, I probably would have gotten lost on the way there." You walked out the door.

"You didn't have plans to hang out with Ginny, Neville, and Luna?" He asked.

"No, Neville and Luna disappeared a little after we got here, and Ginny was catching up with you and George."

"Well," he began. "I'm glad you could join me on my break." The two of you were walking aimlessly down the street caught up in the current conversation. Fred stopped and turned to you. "Since you don't know your way around Hogsmead I'm going to show you some of my favorite places," he said excitedly.

"Where are we starting first? I have minor knowledge of Hogsmead so I may know some places." You stated.

"Well, Zonko's is closed." Fred's face instantly fell. You knew from your super stalking him when he was just a fictional character that he loved that store, and it just fits his personality. " This isn't one of my favorite places, but Ginny told me you love books, there's a bookstore just over there." He pointed to a building on a street corner, the building had a sign that read: Tomes and Scrolls. "They even have a few muggle books." He added.

You were ecstatic. "That sounds fun!" You chimed.

"Okay, let's go then." He grabbed your hand and dragged you off towards the store.

By the time you got across the street your face was bright red, be it from the cold or Fred grabbing your hand. As you entered the store you took in the smell of old books, you looked all around you at aged books and scrolls, and even some modern ones, for 1998 at least. The store had few patrons, mostly Hogwarts Ravenclaws.

Fred was looking at you with a smile on his face. "I take it you like the store?"

You snapped out of your book caused daze and turned to him. "I love it." You smiled.

"Well, let's not stand here. I'll follow you to wherever you wanna look."

You ran towards a huge bookshelf full of dark leather-bound books and antique scrolls stacked on the edge. You pulled out a book about magical history and began flipping through the worn pages.

Fred watched your excitement intently and smiled. You, on the other hand, were oblivious as all get outs. After flipping through the book for a few minutes you put it back on the shelf and continued to look through the shelf, a few books down on the shelf you stumbled upon a children's book about a wizard and talking animals. As you read through it Fred spoke.

"I remember my mum used to read that to my siblings and I when we were younger, along with a whole slew of other books."

You turned around and looked at Fred. "Oh, I've never read it, actually, I've never even heard of it."

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