Chapter Four

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A couple of days passed, you really enjoyed the classes which caused everyone to give you strange looks constantly, but you really didn't care I mean if they just got somehow teleported into their favorite book series they would act the same.

You were in your room getting ready to head to Hogsmeade. You put on a slightly oversized black sweater and jeans. You grabbed your wand and left to meet up with everyone else.

The train station was almost empty, I guess most people had the common sense not to go, I mean you would do the same if this weren't a once in a lifetime chance. Why they were still doing these trips at a time like this was beyond you, but you weren't arguing.

"Hey, Y/N!" Ginny called. You walked over to her.


"Are you excited?" She asked.

"Well of course I am."

"Because you're going to see my brother?"

"That may be one of the reasons, yes." You had gone on and on to Ginny about her brother, which in hindsight was odd, but she didn't seem to mind.

You heard the train coming towards the station, as it pulled in the sound of its horn echoed throughout the almost empty station.

"Come on, Y/N!" Ginny yelled over the loud noise.

The two of you ran to where you would get on the train at.

The train slowly rolled to a stop and everyone boarded.

You, along with Ginny, Neville, and Luna occupied a car.

Ginny, Neville, and Luna were discussing something about quidditch, you, on the other hand, hadn't gotten much sleep last night so you were on the brink of passing out.

"Y/N, did you get even a little bit of sleep last night?" Neville asked.

"No, not really." You said with a yawn.

"You should really get some rest before we get there." Luna said.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." You laid down on the seat. "Wake me up when we get there."

You drifted off pretty quickly.

Sorry for the crappy chapter, I promise next chapter will be wayyyyyyy better (if I finish in time I may post it on Sunday (valentines day) because you know romance and that mushy crap)

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