..Ugh, its Madam Frou Frou..

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(That is what (Y/N) is wearing)

The next day, Everyone at the marketplace hushes as a too enthusiastic carnival barker’s voice of Snatcher introduces the act. "Ladies and gents, From the longlost land of Crackerslovakia -- MADAME FROU FROU!"

Madame Frou Frou bursts through the curtains. She’s a big, sexy, voluptuous woman, exotic in a weird Eastern European Mae West kind of way.

She then greeted the audience with a high-pitched voice, "Helloooo Cheesebridge! Hello darlinks! Thank you! Thank you! My darlinks!"

Lord Portley-Rind then shouted from their podium in the center of the crowd with the other White Hats, "Yoo hoo! I’m your biggest fan, Frou Frou."

An excited Winnie and a very bored Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind with her eldest, (Y/N), who were dressed neatly and decent, stands next to Lord Portley-Rind.

"Lord Portley-Rind, you are too much. Or maybe just enough! Rowrr!" She flirted, giving him a wink as Lady Portley-Rind elbows him in the stomach and (Y/N) roll her eyes in disgust.

Frou Frou then takes center stage. "Today I shall perform ze sad tale of ze Trubshaw baby! But first, I need a helper from ze audience!"

Winnie jumps up and down, waving her hand enthusiastically, "Me! Pick me! Me!"

Madame Frou Frou looks around the crowd, pretending not to see Winnie, "Anyone? Anyone at all? Nobody?"

Winnie grabs (Y/N)'s hand and drags her down of their podium, racing up to the stage,

"Excuse me, I’d like to— OOF!" Winnie roughly elbows the boy out of the way, "Move aside! Pick me!!"

(Y/N) was shocked seeing her sister cutting off the boy's sentence in an unusual way as Winnie climbs up on stage without being asked.

The (h/c) girl's chuckle stops as she felt a stare at her that is transfixed, she turns to the person staring, seeing it was a......boy who was in a oddly weird suit with his face covered with charcoal,

"Uhm.. It's quite rude to stare at a lady, mister" She politely scolded, making him flinch and look back at the stage, "S-Sorry.."

The boy was troubled at not staring at her since she was the one staring at him, she lets out a soft hum of curiosity and tilts her head, asking him, "You....look somehow familiar"

He looks at her in a surprise way, "H-Huh?.. What do you mean?"

(Y/N) was shocked, "I guess not.." She says with a hint of embarrassment as she looks back up at the stage, Madame Frou Frou then falsely welcomed the young girl, "Ah! Young Miss Portley-Rind, you shall play ze sweet little baby Trubshaw."

Frou Frou gives Winnie a bonnet, she then excitingly shares, "Me and my sister saw a boy with boxtrolls last night! Maybe your audience would like to hear-- OOF!"

Frou Frou shoves a pacifier in Winnie’s mouth and scoots her behind the curtains. "Stick to ze script, my darlink!"

She walks to the barrel organ and turns the brass handle. Once it is wound, she takes her place at center stage, a fan poised coyly over her face as she began to sing;

Ten years ago a plot was hatched
Where evil was with cunning matched
Whoever left their doors unlatched
Would find their infant children
By Boxtrolls

The boy beside (Y/N) watched the show with shock, "What?!"

Oo no Boxtrolls

Winnie and Mr. Pickles, without his red hat and wearing a fake mustache, come dancing out on stage as Papa Trubshaw and Baby Trubshaw. Pickles struggles to pick up Winnie and hold her like a baby.

Trubshaw Senior loved his kid
The same as regular father's did
If you don't want to share his plight
Make sure that you are locked up tight
From Boxtrolls

Winnie dances in place and pretends to sleep as Pickles walks off stage.

For this night Baby's Dad Trubshaw
Quite forgot to lock his door
And as soon as he began to snore
The Boxtrolls came in to withdraw
Poor Baby
Those vile Boxtrolls

A trap door opens in the stage floor and Mr. Gristle climbs out dressed in a crude boxtroll costume made from papiermâché with a growl.

So lock your windows, bolt your doors
Or Boxtrolls with their creepy
Will take your children in their
And drag them down to feed their

The crowd hisses as Gristle grabs Winnie and pushes her down the trap! Gristle makes chomping and nom nom sounds. "RAWR!"

Pickles runs onto the stage melodramatically pantomiming a heart-broken father searching for his missing child.

Mister Trubshaw went quite wild
When he found out he'd lost his child
He did what any Dad would do
He ran off swiftly to pursue those

Mr. Gristle returns and stalks Pickles from behind, making the crowd call out,

"No! / Behind you!/ Look out man!"

"He’s behind you!"

And, a bit too enthusiastically, shoves Pickles down
through a trapdoor.

Help, help, help me please won't
But the Boxtrolls did what
Boxtrolls do
They snatched him up and began to
Until there was no residue
Of Trubshaw.

Mr. Trout throws an arm full of papier-mâché bones onto the stage. Gristle picks one up, shoves it into his papier-mâché jaws and taunts the audience like a villainous professional Wrestler.

They pulled him down into their
Hardly pausing to digest
They left his bones but ate the
Never be a dinner guest
Of Boxtrolls
Oo those Boxtrolls

"Booooo!" The crowd chimed,

"But she’s lying." (Y/N)'s eyes widen to the boy next to her and looks at him, making him go pale and pulls his disguise tighter.

And that's the story of the
Trubshaw kid
Don't do what Father Trubshaw did
If you see Boxtrolls don't placate
Catch 'em and exterminate them

Frou Frou wallops Gristle with her fan. The crowd cheers her on as she beats the crap out of him in a not-very-ladylike fashion. The crowd is whipped into a frenzy!

"Kill those Boxtrolls!" The boy is crushed by the furious crowd as they chant along with
Madame Frou Frou as he accidentally bumped his head to (Y/N)'s, making them both wince,

Kill those Boxtrolls!

"Kill those boxtrolls!" The crowd follows and cheered after the song ended

Lord Portley-Rind and the other White Hats whistles as the ginger yelled out, "Don’t forget about our party tonight, Frou Frou!"

(Y/N) turns to the boy, "Sorry about that, are you alright? Hope you didn't get hurt"

He looked back at her, his eyes widen from her kindness, "I-It's fine.. I mean! You're alrigh– I mean, I'm alright!"

The girl chuckled and bidded, "Well, hope to see you around or later at the party, uh... Headbutt Boy" (Y/N) thought of a name as she runs out of the crowd,

But the boy looks around at the frantic crowd, until sees Winnie exiting out the back of the stage, (Y/N) came up to her sister, helping her dust her dress off and heads back into the crowded market.

With curiosity, the 'Headbutt Boy' followed them.

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