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It had been a very long chaotic day in the ER. She was glad to be almost done with the last discharge; a minor cut didn't need hospitalization. At this late hour, the ER was incredibly quiet, therefore, she startled when a voice whispered to her ear out of nowhere. "Dr. Grey" The male voice called.

Her head snapped to a side and sighed. "Dr. Sloan." She turned around to face him after the scare had loosened her a little.

Mark cleared his throat acting as if he was uncomfortable in his shoes. Fixing a spot on his shoes, he leaned against the counter before looking up at Meredith. "I need a favor." He spoke slowly sounding a little embarrassed.

Meredith raised an eyebrow suggestively. "As long as it is professional..." She trailed off.

"It's not." He cut off her words fast. "It's Alicia." He hurried to mention not wishing to let place for misunderstandings.

"Oh" Meredith was more curious now to find out what the favor was about. "Ok" She agreed to listen.

Mark cleared his throat again. It wasn't easy for him to ask this and he wasn't happy with it either, but at this point he didn't see other solution. "I have an emergent surgery and ..." He sighed before continuing. "... apparently I am on call tonight."

"You want me to pick up Ally from kindergarten." Meredith concluded and said it loud as it popped in her head.

Mark looked at her trying to read her face expression. It didn't take him long to have her answer, because her reaction was indicative enough as a kind smile surprised smile spread on her lips. "Thank you!" He nodded thankful forcing a polite smile to sustain his gratitude.

"Sure... no problem." Meredith nodded back, more liter than he had done it.

"Just take her home, order in something for dinner if any of you haven't eaten yet." Mark trailed off. "Then you can put her to bed because it's already late for her.

"We'll take care of everything." Meredith pushed his hand with the tip of her fingers as she saw him ready to take out the wallet. "I'll be ready to leave in about 10 minutes." Mark nodded silently. "Oh and thank you for bringing my car back..." Meredith smiled. "... but you shouldn't have sent an intern after it."

Mark showed a crooked smile as he chuckled. "Just leave already." He said and turned on his heal to get back to work.

Meredith adopted Mark's previous posture as she leaned against the counter watching him leaving. She shook her head and murmured something; it must have been about Mark's personality.

Meredith sneaked her head through the half-open door of the classroom, where only two little girls and their teacher were looking over a book. She opened the door wider and stepped inside. The door creaked and made everyone turn their eyes on her.

"Meri!" Alicia gasped and let out a happy squeal as she jumped on her feet to run to Meredith.

Meredith laughed and knelt to welcome her in her arms. Alicia jumped straight on her neck, hugging her as tight as she could. "You came!" She squealed, her voice sounding muffled because her face was rubbing in delight against Meredith's chest.

At first, Meredith was amused to see the thrill on Alicia's face as she walked inside, but now while she was showing her all her affection, Meredith was profoundly touched. She tightened her arms around the girl's tiny body and kissed the top of her head. "I came." She said whispering in her hair. "We are going home."

Alicia lifted her head from Meredith's chest grinning up at Meredith. "Really?" She asked with excitement, making her voice sound like she was about to scream of happiness again. "And you are coming?"

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