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Later that morning, Mark drove Alicia to the kindergarten, having the girl securely strapped in the backseat and Meredith at his side. Their breakfast had been quiet and calm, due to the many things had happened from the first hour of the day.

Alicia was struggling to get over the jealousy she felt over her grown-ups' friendship. Her grandmother was right and she was smart enough to understand that; though for a girl who had the entire New York down to her feet, it was a little difficult to accept. Therefore, her chatter had been slow during the breakfast. The poor little girl was going through too much – no morning plays with her Daddy and her friend, no grandma coming soon, her friend's morning sickness. She comforted herself with the idea of having Meredith as Mommy one day and so she managed to push the jealousy in the back of her mind. Meredith seemed to feel much better now, so that was down to the bottom of her worry list too, for the moment. There was still one thing she couldn't get over.

She let out a loud sigh, the only sound that echoed in the car since they left from home. Meredith and Mark looked at each other, wondering the reason for her apathetic mood. Mark looked at her through the rear view mirror and saw her staring out the window, thoughtful. They decided to let her tell them whatever was bothering her.

A minute later, she sighed loudly again. Apparently, she was asking for their attention.

Meredith gave in and turned her torso to look at her. "Is something wrong, Ally?"

Alicia turned her gaze to Meredith instantly and sighed again then she slowly nodded her head but gave no answer.

Meredith stared at her, waiting. "Well?" she insisted as she saw her silence.

"When's my grandma coming?" she asked quietly.

"In just a few days," Meredith answered, but then she heard Mark disapproving. "She's not?" she asked him.

Mark shook her head. "Not right away. But she said she would be here for Christmas."

"That long?" Meredith asked, surprised. "Isn't she afraid to let you unsupervised anymore?" she snickered teasingly.

Mark rolled his eyes. "None of your business," he grumbled.

Meredith shrugged and repositioned herself in her seat. As she did that, they heard Alicia sighing again. Meredith turned to look at her again. "You miss her, don't you?" she asked sympathetically.

Alicia nodded slowly. Then she let out another sigh.

"Why don't you tell me straight what is wrong with you?" Mark demanded, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

Alicia frowned at he father's demand. "How about my kitten?" she pouted.

Mark growled as he heard her question. "What about it?" he asked, gritting his teeth.

"Do I have to wait Santa to bring it to me?" she asked fearfully.

"I guess you do," Mark answered.

Alicia frowned, displeased and disappointed. She folded her arms across her chest and stared out the window.

"I thought you were sad because you missed your grandma. I bet she would like to hear why you are so anxious for her to move here," he teased, trying to divert her attention from the kitten subject.

"I miss my grandma," she retorted, glaring at him. "She loves me more than you do," she grumbled as she pouted again and glared out the window.

"I think she's upset because of... this morning," Meredith whispered and he nodded reluctantly, suspecting the same reason.

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