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"Dr. Bailey!" Mark shouted and sprinted towards the nurses' station where he saw her.

Dr. Bailey either hadn't heard him or she was ignoring him, because she didn't flinch an inch when Mark called her name.

"Dr. Bailey!" Mark shouted, now closer to her, and now he was sure she was ignoring him. "Dr. Bailey," he greeted her smiling as he finally reached to her.

"Dr. Sloan," she looked up at him waiting.

"I see I have Karev this week... again," he said with displeasure. "Aren't we supposed to help the residents find the best field for them?" he asked her.

"We are," Dr. Bailey propped her hand on her hip as she turned to stare at him.

"Then why is Karev under my service for the second week in a row?" he asked her.

"Because Dr. Grey has already made a decision over what field she wants to follow," she answered, smiling knowingly at his frustrated look.

"I'm not talking about Dr. Grey here," he hissed, glaring at her. Dr. Bailey gave him a knowing look. "Residents are like... little children. They need to see more things so that they can make a decision in the end," he added, slightly intimidated by the amusement from Dr. Bailey's features.

"Dr. Sloan," she smiled at him. "I appreciate the fact that you're trying to cheer up my morning, but seriously, that isn't necessary."

Mark stared at her, thoughtful. He wasn't going to give up that easily. "Dr. Bailey," he cleared his throat, adopting a bossing attitude. "Is there a reason you don't want to give Dr. Grey a chance?"

"There is, actually," she said. "I don't want you to use her as nanny or whatever she is to you in her free time."

He knew people were talking about him and Meredith, but now it was the first time when someone was saying it to his face and so he was reduced to silence.

"Dr. Sloan, I know my job and I know the rules of this hospital. You can have Meredith this week in Plastics because she hasn't spent the required time in this field yet, but please stop asking for her. If you continue to do it, then I'll be forced to report it to the Chief. Have a nice day, Dr. Sloan," she said as turned around and walked away.

Mark shrugged, not very affected by Dr. Bailey's lecture since he got what he wanted. He then went to find Meredith.

Mark found her down in the clinic, explaining something to her interns. He smiled to himself as he saw her and headed towards her.

"What are you doing here, Grey?" he asked her with fake displeasure.

"Dr. Sloan," Meredith turned to look at him, surprised to see him there. "I'm working," she said.

"Bailey assigned you to me this week," he said, turning to leave. He glanced back over his shoulder, gesturing with his head to follow him.

"You gotta be kidding me," she muttered under her breath, glaring at him. Then she felt the curious stares of her interns. "What are you still standing here?" she spat at them and the group dispersed.

Meredith hurried then to catch up with Mark. "I can't believe you did it again," she said angrily as she kept the pace with him. "Dr. Bailey has assigned me to the clinic this week."

"Maybe, but now she has changed her mind," Mark shrugged with indifference.

"You have to stop doing it, Mark," she warned him and Mark could easily see in her eyes that she was angry with him. "I don't need favors. Actually... this isn't even a favor," she laughed shortly with sarcasm. "Because I have no interest in Plastics."

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