Chapter Eight

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Tanya's POV

I walked around the garden. The bright sunshine and birds singing made me smile. I don't know where I am, or why I was here but for some reason it didn't bother me. Butterflies fluttered past me. A slight breeze playing with my dark hair.

"Tanya." A voice murmured over the breeze. I looked all around me, but no one is there.

"Hello?" I call curiously, looking around my beautiful surroundings.

"Tanya, Fleetwood loves and needs you. He may have hurt you, but you need to forgive him. It's been a long time since the last you two saw each other." A warm and kind voice states. I could hear her smile on her voice.

"What's going?" I ask, spinning around in search of who the owner of the voice was. But no one was in sight. All animals and noises were gone. No more birds were singing. No butterflies fluttered past. Nothing was happening. It was as if time froze.

"Your mate needs you. And you need him. Just remember that there are always two sides to a story. Listen before you react. But I can't force you to do anything, so just try your best when I send you back." The voice firmly grants. I slowly nod, my eyes beginning to grow tired.

"Okay..." My voice trails off as darkness covers my eyesight. Everything drifts for a long time. I just float in the endless darkness.

Voices came in and out of my range of hearing. I couldn't tell who was talking and who wasn't. I drifted farther away, slowly losing knowledge over what was real and what wasn't. I could see dragons and unicorns. The darkness became silver. A lake of silver carrying my body. I lost track of time and space.

I come to, pain exploding through my body. My mouth dry, I try to move. But it doesn't work. I keep trying for what feels like years. Nothing works. Days passed, and I still couldn't move. Then, my finger moves. I mentally grin, finally! With pain still crippling me, I keep urging my body to move.

Fleet's POV

She shifted in her sleep, making me stop my fast pacing. She's never moved before. I slowly walked over to her, hearing her whimper and begin to thrash. I feel her pain rising, her heartbeat grew faster.

The doctors rush in, trying to figure out what was happening. But before anyone could touch her, she sat up straight as a boom of her power flew out and sent everyone sprawling.

I flew through the air, my back hitting a tent pole harshly. She snapped her neck towards my groaning body, her eyes a bright silver. "You! What did you do?" She hissed, her eyes turning a blood red. I wince, pulling myself to my feet.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" I fall to my knees, shuffling closer to her. She eyes me, her red eyes slowly turning back into her green ones. She studies me, standing and glaring down at me.

"You're lucky I was told to forgive you. But that doesn't mean that I like you at the moment." She hisses, shouldering past the dazed doctors and launching up into the air with wings unfolded. I hang my head, defeated.

She hates me.

My soulmate hated me.

My Tanya.

My Little Moon.

Hated me.

I curled up into a ball on the floor. Shame burying me as I await death. She only forgave me because she was told to.

Those words register into my brain. I sit up quickly, noticing that I was alone in the tent. Who told her to forgive me? And why?

I stood, already racing out of the tent to find my mate. But she was nowhere to be found. And everyone in the camp was glaring at me. Like they always have since that fateful night. I ran around everywhere. Searching under each stone for Tanya. But she was gone. 


Hey everyone!

I entered Little Moon into the Watty's!

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