Chapter Twenty-Two

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Fleet's POV

She's been lying in bed all month, barely leaving the room since Silver left. She comes down to give the she-demon her orders, and then goes right back to bed with her kitten-cub Willow. I sigh, finishing the last of the documents for today's work and signing off on all of the flights and tickets for everything so I can take her around the world and finish up our grieving before having a wedding.

We would go and repair our kingdom around the world in two weeks, and once we were done with that, we were getting married if she wanted.

She said she wanted to move on with her life as quickly as possible before the Silver incident, so we'll see how she's feeling in a couple of weeks when we leave to go to Japan and England and all the other countries.

"F-Fleet?" A trembly voice breaks through my reverie. I glance over at her, my mate, shocked that she was up out of bed.

"Yes, Little Moon?" I quickly recover, trying to keep her stable.

"I... I'm ready to move on. If Silver doesn't want me in his life, then so be it. I want to send the demon along her way and I just want to be with you, create our life, and build up our kingdom. I'm ready." Her voice grows stronger with every word, her once red puffy eyes turn bright with life and her messy hair was put in a neat braid.

"Are you sure?" I press, I didn't want her to do this because she felt she had to. Everything was up to her, and it will always stay that way.

"I'm sure, Fleet. I want to marry you and have kids. I want to have balls and hang out with my friends. I want to explore the world with you and enjoy our life. Warrior, Kitty, Emma, my parents, my real brother, everyone I have lost would want that. I want to go back and visit the town I was born in, I want to repair my relationship with my biological family. And I want you and wherever our life takes us." Tanya smiles, it was a wobbly smile, but it held a firmness in this decision. She was ready, and I could feel in my heart, that she really wanted this. She wanted to be happy.

I stand, crossing over to her and gently taking her soft hand in mine. "Then let's begin." I smile down at her, her green eyes shining brightly and her black curls hanging down to the middle of her back.

"To our forever?" She whispers, smiling up at me.

"To our forever." I confirm. No matter where life takes us, we would always stay together and enjoy our life. Our Kingdom was going to flourish, and we were going to be the rulers of our own life.

I couldn't wait to see where we go on this adventure. She was my everything, and we were finally going to be able to live our lives the way we wanted. She was my forever.


The end. 

*Red curtains close*

Haha everyone, I hope you liked this book, and I will try to get you a couple of bonus chapters.

This is the end of Fleet and Tanya's life; I'm going to leave the rest up to your imagination. All good things, I hope. 

 Have a wonderful day and I hope you stay to read my other books. 

Goodbye everyone who loved this series! Hopefully I'll see you in another book. 



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