Chapter Ten

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Fleet's POV

I bang my fist on the table, snarling angrily. "WHERE IS SHE?" I roared, all my scouts and troops flinching back. The head leader of the mages trembled forward, her limp brown hair frizzy and her eyes looking frantic.

"W-we don't know, sir." She stumbled over her words, looking frightened. I bite back a growl, turning my gaze to the dragon's and their riders.

"Don't look at us! The skies are clear. Maybe you should think of the possibility that she left to get some space. I mean, you did break the matebond. Didn't you?" A brave soul spoke up, grinning at me lazily. The only thing stopping me from killing him, was the fact that he was important to my Tanya. But Kai was getting on my last nerves.

"Kai." I growl warningly, he just shrugs carelessly. I unleash a roar so loud, that even the dragons flinched back. Pain and sorrow and lost hope so deep within my roar, I felt my very soul throb in pain.

It's been three months. And she was still gone. I couldn't, wouldn't, entertain the thought that she left me. I slumped to my knees, we've searched everywhere for her. The palace, all her favorite places, the old house, her family's house, and even all of her friend's houses. We've searched everywhere. The skies, the mountains, the forest, everywhere we could think of.

"My King, if I could suggest something." An unfamiliar voice purred. Everyone looked up, watching as a woman steps out of the shadows and throws back her crimson hood. Her eyes sparkled like jewels, her hair of night dipping down to her knees, her ears pointed, and her skin as pale as the moon.

"Who are you?" I whisper, eyes wide in shock. She smirked, raising her head high.

"Your last hope." She grinned, her voice melodic as it rang out through the camp. She leaned against the wooden table, picking up a small butterfly that had been resting there and admiring it. "Your enemy has been quite silent the past few months, have they not?" She smiled, not looking at me as she gently pet the butterfly's black and blue wings.

"I, uh, well yes. They have been." I agree, flustered. She smiles placatingly, watching me with a timeless wisdom. That's when all the pieces come together. They must have my Tanya.

"Good! You get it!" She laughed eccentrically, softly blowing under the butterfly's wings. The butterfly took off, flying off towards mountains. "Now, follow that butterfly. You'll reach their camp then. But, you have to promise me one thing." She bargains, I furrow my eyebrows.

"Okay?" I prompt, confused as she giggled and leaned forward.

"Never, and I mean ever, give up on Tanya again. Don't break the matebond again, or I won't send her back again. She almost died, but I let her live. Not for you, but for herself. She has a big destiny to fulfill and if she doesn't, the world will be at stake. Have trust and faith in her, because once she comes crashing down she won't ever be the same again. She'll need you, and if you aren't there, I will make sure you never have a soulmate again. Am I clear?" She threatens, making it clear who she was. I nod quickly.

"Yes, Ma'am." I agree, she leans back with a smile.

"Good! Now, goodbye! Hopefully, you find your missing Queen!" She waves, blowing us a kiss and vanishing in thin air. I looked for the butterfly, seeing it ten feet away watching us patiently.

"Get everyone ready! Dragons, to the sky. Horses ready to go. We leave in ten minutes!" I shout orders, racing to my tent to get a few things of clothes, Warrior, and some weapons. Petting Warrior behind his ears, I sigh. He was getting old, but he has been depressed since Tanya went missing. I really don't know how he's lived this long, since he's been alive for about fourteen years. I expected him to die long before this.

"I think I know where she is, bud. You ready?" I smile softly, his ears perk up as he growls in agreement. He races out, causing me to let out a chuckle as I finish packing up my small bag. As I turn around, Warrior slips back inside the tent but this time he was carrying a small bundle in his mouth. It was a black squirming, mewing thing. I stare at him shocked as he carefully sets it before me. His eyes were tired, and I knew.

He was telling me that he was passing on his job to this tiny thing. He was ready to go on, but I could also see he wanted to see Tanya one last time. To say his final goodbyes. I nod, gently lifting the tiny cub and wrapping it in one of the silk pillowcases and making a sling to go around my neck. Setting the fragile bundle in the sling, I smile at Warrior.

"He's saying that he wants to train her along the way to find Tanya. Warrior wants to make sure that Tanya is well taken care of because he plans on holding out for as long as he can." Annie softly translates, I nod.

"I know. I can tell." I whisper back, hoisting my bag onto my shoulder. Sadly, I lead the way to my horse and tie my bag to the saddle. I adjust the kitten in my makeshift sling, nodding to my troops.

"Let's go!" I holler, sprinting forward on foot as the butterfly flies furiously towards the promised camp. We better find her and get her safely, or I will rain hell down on all my enemies. 


Hey my lovelies! I don't have wifi and I'm currently trying to post this on my phone's hotspot, and I really hope it works and nothing bad happens because I don't have the greatest service.... 

I hope you guys are doing well! I'm currently in quarantine, but I don't have covid! I was tested negative today, so... hopefully I can get back to school by Wednesday! 



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