Chapter Twenty-One

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I smile warmly at my family, but I kept a small eye on the maids standing in a line by the wall. Some were chatting quietly, as they knew I could care less what they did and that I barely ever called them to do this; work and listen to my every whim. It was all because of the one demon in the room that almost cost me my life, my mate, and my heart.

Ivy and Ben snuggle closer to each other, smiling up at each other. "Tanya, we have something we want to share with you guys!" Ivy squeals, I furrow my eyebrows but lean forward.

"What is it?" I tilt my head slightly; my wings itching to unfurl and fly around a bit. Willow lays at my feet, her head almost as big as mine as she leans it over my feet with a wide yawn.

"We are getting married!" Ivy squeals, holding her ivory hand up to show me a giant diamond ring on her hand. I grin, throwing my slender arms around her in a tight hold.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you!" I grin, she had already known about my engagement since the day after I came back from Fleet's and I's trip to my first hometown. She giggles as I kiss her cheek and fly back from her with a wide smile, before it turns into a dangerous smirk.

"Benjamin, so help me, if you get cold feet at the alter or whatever and say no, then I'll kick your ass. Brother to me or not, I will." I glare at him, fear entering his eyes.

"Of course! I promise I will not say no at the alter!" He squeaks, hiding behind his mate. Ivy and I burst into giggles, high-fiving at his fear of me. Fleet comes down from the room from taking a quick shower, not wearing a shirt and displaying his lean muscles and six-pack from all of the work we've done. His black hair dripped water droplets down his forehead, bringing me to meet his warm golden eyes.

Fleet leans down and kisses my forehead. "Why don't you change into some more comfortable clothes? You look cold." He lightly scolds me, I roll my eyes and stand.

"Fine. I'll be quick!" My wings unfurl, and I fly up the stairs despite Fleet's groan of annoyance. I laugh loudly, letting him hear my amusement before flying into our room. It's been years since I've set foot into this room, but it hasn't changed a bit.

The same four-poster bed, black comforter and white sheets, the window seat looking over the side of the castle into the forest, and the doors leading to the bathroom or the closet. Alighting back onto my feet, I close my wings back into my back and gingerly open the white door to the closet.

My clothes and his were placed carefully inside, in order by color. I grab one of his black shirts and one of his grey sweatpants, quickly changing into that and discarding the red dress I had on into the laundry basket. Kicking off my high heels, I pull on fluffy socks and race back downstairs with my curly hair wildly all around my face and down my back. Skidding into the living room, I plop down on Fleet's lap with a huge smile before turning to the group of maids.

"Iliana, why don't you go down into the wine cellar and bring us one up to celebrate my friends engagement? Quinn, can you bring us some snack platters as well?" I ask kindly, they both nod and walk off to do as I ask with another maid trailing behind to show Iliana where the cellar is and where the key is.

"So, what's the deal with the demon?" Fleet's brother's, JJ and Jacky ask me in unison. Used to them talking at the same time, it doesn't bother me.

"She's the woman who took advantage of my mate. Fleet left her to me, and I don't want to kill her. The matebond says yes, my morals say no. So, I'm making her work for probably about a year or two before kicking her out. She says she has a family, so I'll ask her about that later and check up on that. If she's lying, then I'll kill her. If not, then I'll let her work for a bit and teach her some morals." I wave my hand as if what I said didn't sound horrible.

"That makes sense, Tanya." Annie smiles at me reassuringly, reaching over to pat my knee. I sigh, leaning my head back as my eyes catch Silver's. He looked at me desperately, wanting to talk to me alone. I stand, turning to walk into the kitchen with the smallest nod in his direction.

"Silver, why don't we go help Quinn with those snack platters?" I hum, walking straight into the kitchen and waiting for him to follow. After a few seconds, he enters the bright kitchen. "What's up?" I speak softly, grief, regret, and guilt clouding my eyes as I look at him.

"Are the rumors true? Did you kill Emma?" He straight up asks me. I guess he didn't know. I look down at my feet, barely nodding but the sharp inhale says he saw.

"I... I did. She was trying to kill me, and I asked so many times to just... stop. But she wouldn't listen. I begged her to stop it all, but she didn't. Thankfully, she told me you were alive but tied up and hidden from the world with a few of her guys checking in on you and giving you food. I didn't want to kill her; you have to believe me! She's our sister, I would never ever kill her because I wanted to." I choke on my words, looking up at him frantically and begging him to believe me. To believe the truth. His eyes go hard, cold. He reaches past me, grabbing his keys off the hooks behind me as his wolf trots to his side.

"Silver, please!" I beg, he shakes his head and storms past the living room and slamming the door behind him. The palace seems to shake at the impact of the closing door, I flinch back as tears crawl down my face. A small, broken sob escapes me as I fall to my knees.

It's all my fault.

I shouldn't have killed her!

I shouldn't have killed her!

It's all my fault.

I deserve to be dead.

I killed my own sister.

I destroyed my family. 

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