Nia x Baby danvers

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No Ones POV: you where in love needless to say Kara and Alex's friend Nia Nal you really liked her no one knew though it was game night Nia came in and sat down and smiled at you, you smiled back as yous started playing Nia touched your hand your heart started pounding

Kara saw this and heard your heart beating quickly as soon as Nia touched your hand and smirked Kara got you to the kitchen

Kara: you ok?

Y/n: yea ofc

Kara: you like nia don't u

Y/n: what no

Kara: you do i know things

y/n: shhh don't say anything plz

Kara: i won't i promise

*A good few months passed you got to Nia's apartment taking deep breaths as you walked in*

Nia: hey y/n what's up?

Y/n: i need you to know something

Nia: okay?

Yvette: She looks like she's about to pass out

Y/n: no no i'm fine erm

Nia: sit down sweetheart

Y/n: no i just need to tell you

Nia: alright?

*you took a deep breath*

Y/n: i like you, in the way Alex likes Kelly and Kara secretly Likes Lena,

Nia: i- wow

Y/n: i'm sorry

*you went to walk out Nia grabbed you*

Nia: hey no don't go i...i like you too like a lot

*You smiled*

Nia: i always have sinces the day i meet you okay

Y/n: oh r really

Nia: yes really

*you smiled widely as you heard a sound and looked at yvette who was eating popcorn judd watching*

Yvette: plz continue its a great movie

*Nia and you both laughed and smiled a little*

Nia: would you like to go out for dinner?

Y/n: yes yes ofc i would love too

*that night yous went out for dinner a month passed of dating and yous where officially together it was game night It was just kara you and alex right now*

Alex: so who's partnering with y/n?

Y/n: nia is

Kara: how nia it always you and Brainy?

*you smiled and shrugged*

Kara: did you

Y/n: mmmm

Alex: what?

Kara: omgggg

Alex: i'm confused?

Kara: she told Nia she liked her

Alex: What!

y/n: sure did

Alex: a and you never told us

Y/n: it's only been a month


*You laughed*

Y/n: yea we've went on 11 dates so far

Alex: who keeps count

Y/n: shush you

*you throw a pillow at alex as everyone got at Kara's apartment yous started playing*

Y/n: boom we won

*Nia high-fived you*

Brainy: this is why she is always in my team

*everyone laughed you smiled it was a great night*

thank you for reading if you have a request comment

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Melissa x nicole

Kara x nia

let me know :)

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