Reader x Nia

358 16 5

Nia age 6
Reader age: 7

No Ones POV: The super friends were at the tower Kelly held your hand walking into the tower Alex smiles Kelly let go of your hand and you went straight to Alex as she picked you up kissing your head

Alex; hey darling

*You smiled as Nia was standing behind kara she always done it Kara took you and Nia to a room to play yous we're having fun*

Y/n: Nia?

Nia: yea?

Y/n: look the door is open we can go to the city

Nia: mmm i don't know if mummy and mama will let me

Y/n: shhh they don't have to know come on let's goooo

*Nia played with her fingers as you held her hand pulling her as yous left the tower and started walking around the city alone Nia held your hand tightly

people did ask if yous we're lost, yous went into shops soon yous found a park and played there for a while back at the tower Alex and Lena went to Cheek on you and Nia as they walk into the room*

Alex: Y/n?
Lena: Nia?

Lena: there probably hiding i mean there tiny

*Alex laughs as they look for you and nia but can't now they started to panic and rushes back to we're everyone was*

Alex: there's a huge problem

Kelly: did they make a mess)

Lena: no there gone they aren't in the room

Kara: What!

*they all went to the room and now they were all panicking*

Kara: who left they door open

Alex: Brainy did!

Kara; they must've gotten out by there

Kelly: it was y/n's idea

Alex: 100%

Kara; that's not important we have to know where they are there 2 little kids in the city alone we need to find them right now

Lena: agreed

*Kelly and Alex nodded they went around the whole city in there super suits looking for you and nia they were all worried they asked some people

they looked for a good few hours and went back to the tower Kara sat on the stairs rubbing her face Alex sat on a chair close to bursting out into tears Kelly walked up and pulled her into a hug kissing her forehead

Lena pulled Kara into her side*

Kelly: we're going to find them okay

Kara: what if someone's got them

Lena: baby don't think like that

Alex: she's right they could be hurt or anything

*Everyone sighed when they hear the elevator door opens they think it's brainy But it's not It's you and Nia*

Kara; hey brainy

Y/n: we're brainy

*Alex Kelly Kara and Lena turned nun of them have ran so fast Alex picked you up and Kara picked nia up her and Lena kissing her face and Alex and kelly doing the same to you*

Kelly; we're where yous

Y/n: we went exploring mama!

Alex: sweetheart you can't go out on your own

Y/n: i didn't Nia was with me

Kara: with a adult bath of yous can't go out without a adult with yous okay!

Lena: who's idea was it?

Nia: mine

*Everyone looked confused even you Why was she taking the blame*

Y/n: no mama it was me me told nia to come

Nia: no it was me

Y/n: not it wasn't

Lena: okay okay enough

Kelly: you'd both can sit on the step for 10 minutes

*You and Nia sat on the step*

Y/n: why u take blame for me Nia?

Nia: cause your my best friend i didn't want you getting into trouble

*Kara smiled as she heard and whisper to the others after 10 minutes yous went back to the play room this time brainy is with yous*

Brainy: what is the meaning of this?

Y/n: Playing?

Brainy; yes what is "playing@

Nia: we play with toys cause it's fun

Brainy: i see

*Brainy nodded and watches yous till It was time to go home it was game night tonight as well as they were playing games you and nia go bored and went to play in Nia's room soon you Kelly and Alex were going home you said bye as yous went home soon you got tired And Kelly picked you up carrying you home as you fell asleep ones yous got home

Kelly slowly lays you on your bed putting the covers over you kissing your forehead alex does the same as they sit down*

Alex: well today was

Kelly: stressful

Alex: yea but they came home and weren't hurt so

Kelly: true she's a good kid her and Nia

Alex: yea

Kelly: btw i love you!

Alex; i love you too!

thank you for reading! :)
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if you have a request/idea
(doesn't have to be a relationship

Kara x Nia
Melissa x Nicole
Alex x Nia
Kelly x Nia
Nicole x Cast
Nia x Superfreinds
Nia x Kelly,Alex,Kara,lena

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