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"On your knees , now " ordered KJ after dragging her into one of the booths .

"What ?" asked an innocent and clueless Stacey .

"I said get on your knees " his voice increasing with each statement .

She didn't do as he said instead started going towards him , her hands going towards his face but before it could touch the flawless surface it was stopped by his hand's strong grip .

"What on hell do you think you are doing ?" KJ was confused and irked on her behaviour.

"You don't have to be like this , you can cry if you want to " said Stacey .

"What bullshit is that ? " now he was completely annoyed by her .

"You don't need to cry alone , you can cry infront of me , it's fine , I don't judge people and I think I can understand how you feel . So go on . " she asserted again .

"Oh so you go to my college too , and you know what , I don't want your fake sympathy cause I am not gonna spend any penny on you so please ...fuck off . I am done here ."saying that he started leaving the booth .

To that she went to him and back hugged him " it's really fine , you don't have to act strong infront of everyone , no one deserves your hardwork but your soul deserves your love , so stop being so harsh on it . Just let it go , let all that poison inside go out , let it out . Cry as much as you want to . Because if you don't let it all out it's gonna hurt you later it keeps on getting accumulated inside of you and it will become too painful later . I know that and have seen that very closely so please , don't hold it ...."she paused when her hands felt presence of some warmth , he was crying . She let go of the hug and went infront of him so that she can face him .

"Yeah that's better " she said and pulled him into a hug again .

After 15 minutes of crying he was stable and they both were sitting on the couch in the booth .

"Thankyou " KJ murmured .

"It's fine. " Stacey replied .

"Wanna grab a drink , I just wanted to thank you that's all " KJ said and waited for an answer .

"Ok ." she said smiling .

Next morning

"Mhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm , good morning baby " said Stacey in a sleepy voice .

*She calls Celine as baby sometimes *

"Celine ?! Where is she , wait this is not my room , ohhhh " she looked to her left then to her right then to the front and back . "Whose place is this ? "

"Oh you are up , do you wanna have breakfast then wash up or do you want to do it other way round . " said KJ as he walked in TOPLESS .

She looked at herself and closed her eyes for nearly 30 seconds . Then she opened her eyes and looked at him . "We did it last night , right . " she asked calmly .

He nodded with a hum busy with something in the wardrobe . "Here , you can use this to change into , the clothes you wore last night are a mess now so I put it in laundry . I'm out in the kitchen ,come when you want to . " He left saying that .

KJ p.o.v.

Either she has done it too many times or she is gonna freak out in a minut...no no its definitely not her first time , she seemed too calm when she saw me and herself naked right now and also she was good in bed last night ...yeah it's definitely not her first .

End of p.o.v

She stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath . She went out wearing the change of clothes he gave and sat down on the chair in the kitchen .

"Should I drop you somewhere after you have your food ? " asked KJ placing the plate with sandwiches infront of her .

"Yeah if you don't mind . " she said .

After having breakfast he dropped her at her place .

"It was nice meeting you , see you in college if possible . "he said .

"Yeah nice meeting you too , and we have to make it possible to meet each other ." she said .

"Ehhh? Why is it so ? " he was confused on her statement .

"My dress is with you and I need it back because it is my sister's ." she said with a pleasant smile .

"Oh yeah right your dress , ok then meet you in college . Here *gave her his phone * dial it in , I'll call you later when I get it dried ."

After saving her number on his phone. She went inside the building . She reached infront of her appartment , opened the lock with the key under the door mat , got inside , placed the key on the rack and screamed like crazy .

"What is it , did someone die , is someone being kidnapped. ? " Celine came running to the door covered inside her blanket holding her slipper in one hand . "It's you , where were you whole night ? No wait that's not the question. With whom were you the whole night ?

"I lost my virginity " said a terrified stacey .

"What!! " exclaimed a wide eyed Celine who choked on her own spit . "You sure know what it means right ? " asked Celine with a teasing smile .

"Yeah I do dumbo . What do I do now . Tell me " she was really restless .

Yeah it was her first time , and as KJ said she would freak out but only thing he was wrong at was that it was not in a minute as her capacity to hold back was on another level .

"Calm down you won't get pregnant if you did it with someone from the club , those assholes carry condoms even to their family dinner so it's fine . " said Celine as she plopped down on the sofa . "So wanna go to the club today too to celebrate. "

"Shut up what is there to celebrate . And I know I won't get pregnant because I remember each and everything from last night . Unfortunately . " said Stacey covering her face with both her hands .

"Care to explain then "asked Celine with excitement and curiosity .

"No , never . I am really stupid , I even gave him my number . Only if it wasnt for you ."

"Why? Is he really that good , you want to introduce him to me .? "

"No , because he has your dress . "

"What , you didn't bring back my dress. That was the present my ex gave me . Do you even know how nice he was , I broke up with him just because I was dumb how could you leave that dress there . Bring it back . I want it "

"I knew you would be like this , then why care give it to me in the first place if it was that important . Anyways don't worry I will get it back , I gave him my number and he goes to the same college as me . "

"Oh does he ..what is his name ? Do I know him ? "

"I don't think you know him , even I knew him not long ago , actually I got to know him yesterday only . He was crying in my private place *the place she goes to read and have alone time (on the terrace )* . I heard others gossipping about his parents leaving him and stuff . He really seemed pitiful then. "

"Is it start of a love story ? "Celine asked with a smirk plastered on her face..

"Shut up ..what lovestory . He seems to be a nice boy . " Stacey explained .

"So what , you are a nice girl too . Anyways you didnt tell me his name " she countered .

"K J was it ? Yeah KJ " she said as she went inside her room .

Celine p.o.v.

KJ , why do I feel like I have heard that name . Aaahhh is it just my imagination . Or I really know him . Whatever . She said it was a nice guy . Then it should be fine . I hope she is right .

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