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"Get up girl or else you gonna be late again , I am leaving , the food is in the kitchen have it before you head out ." Stacey kept shouting from the front door before heading out herself .

Stacey p.o.v.

It's such a nice weather to have a picnic , but I can't and I don't have anyone to go with anyways . I understand the importance of friends at times like these . Pity on myself .*sighs * .

"Good morning professor "

"Good morning Ms Woods "

He made up with them really fast , KJ it was , standing along with his group of people , I prefer it that way rather than calling them friends , how can they be friends , when all they did when he was at his low, was backbitching .

Oh did he just look here . No he didn't . What am I supposed to do should I go ask him about the dress or hide . Let's hide for now . After 1 minute of hiding I looked back to see what he was upto . And he was busy with his gang again . *Sigh* . No i didn't do that . Did I just get disappointed on not being noticed by him . Stop it . I have lived my life as a non existent person , then why should I be bothered by him . No I am not . Whatever ,  I gotta get back to my class .

End of p.o.v.

Stacey wanted to sit at the front bench like she always used to but today she lost her spot because of the daydreaming . She went to the middle row and placed  her stuff on the seat next to hers . She pushed opened her laptop and was startled when her stuff was placed onto her lap by someone .

"Excuse m....you ? " said Stacey diverting her sight soon after seeing who it was .

" I thought people payed to get a seat , I didn't know bags study too . " said KJ with a sweet look on his face .

"Sorry , I thought noone was going to sit beside me " said Stacey with a awkward laugh .

"Oucchh... that statement makes me apologise to you rather than getting an apology I guess . Don't worry I can sit with you if you want. " said KJ supporting his head on his hand and other hand on her shoulder .

Stacey was lost in his eyes , the big brown eyes that could just pull everything inside like a Bermuda triangle .

KJ had to shake her shoulder hard to get an answer from her .

"Oh..yeah ..I mean no thanks ...your jer(ks)....I mean friends will not like it maybe . You can go sit with them . I am used to this anyway. " said Stacey stealing glances of the backseat who were continuously staring them  .

"It's fine , you can curse them if you want , I know what they are infront and also behind me . And its completely fine if I sit with you . I am not that studious kind of guy who takes notes and things so I am of no use to them anyways . But I get to copy yours if I sit here . Btw are you the nerdy type ? The studious one I mean . "

"Yeah I guess , you can call me that .. The nerdy one . If you insist so much you can sit there .(for as many days you want) . " She said making sure the last words were not that clear .

"Great "..

___the class starts ___

"Btw , who were you hiding from in the lobby ? " asked KJ with pure curiosity.

Hearing that her head slipped away from her  hand , she turned her head at bolt speed and looked at him with wide eyes .

"Hmmm? What I ..I .. didn't , you might have mistook me for someone else ."

"Shucks no .... No ways ...dont tell me it was because of me ...you were hiding from me ? Why ? " KJ said with a smirk .

"No it is not because of you . " said Stacey acting like she was busy with taking down the notes .

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