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The following days were not the same as they were earlier , the monotonous days were over and it was spiced up now. Stacey was on another level of PDA especially when KJ was around . Now the whole college knew that she was dating Harry from the commerce major , correctly like that . But as usual when there is news there are rumours too . There were many who thought that Stacey was trying to pull an act to get back to KJ and that she doesn't love Harry , that she is just trying to make KJ jealous . It was correct upto the point of making KJ jealous but she never wanted to get back with him , she wanted to make KJ jealous of the way she is living her life now ; happily , without him . Whatever KJ might have done wrong but one advantage Stacey had because of him was her becoming the spicy her , not caring about others at all , and also was now capable of giving nasty answers to the nasty people , whom she didn't even stand before earlier .

Stacey and Harry were the cute&hot couple of the campus , with Harry being the caring boyfriend who was often dragged by his hot girlfriend , which he'd not mind . They both were most comfortable with each other because of the long friendship they had . That was the same reason why Harry was fine with the toxicity she had been pouring . Stacey thought that doing what she was doing had broken her shell of depression and she was now fine and back to the real her but in reality she had built the most awful and disgusting shell over the depressed one that had trapped the real her deep inside which she herself can't get hold of , and Harry knew of this very clearly than anyone else , yet was ready to be with her until she gets out of it .


"Stace I think I might not be able to be with you today , I've got to go back to my mom's , there seems to be some problem with her and dad . But it's fine if you don't want me to" Harry said with utmost sincerity.

"No it's completely fine , go on . " Stacey assured him with a smile .

That evening Stacey was alone and didn't have anything to do so she decided on something that she later regretted .

"Hey Celine ! " Ben came waving at Celine.

"Hey , wassup " Celine beemed him a smile.

Celine and Ben had got back with each other again. Because of the new relationship , Celine changed a lot and was now a good girl , devoted to her boyfriend not even going to clubs anymore if not with Ben . She also made up with Stacey and Stacey came back home . Celine thought that now everything was fine as Stacey was dating Harry , because if it was with Harry then the rest was assured .

*Stace calling *


"Yo sissy , I will be late tonight don't wait for me , eat up early and sleep. Ok ? Love you ."

"Okay , love you too , have fun ."

*Call ended *

"What is it ? " Ben asked to know the contents of the conversation .

"You want to come to my place tonight ?" Celine asked with a naughty smile .

"What is it about and What's with that smile ? " Ben asked confused with the sudden change in her expressions .

An infamous night club with colourful lights flashing all around , and not to forget about the secluded booths with extreme darkness providing a whole ambience for the hot blooded girls and boys to fuck each other . The ones who are in search for , or more accurately stating hunting for a prey to eat on are swaying their sweaty bodies on the dance floor trying their chances with each other .
Stacey with a beer bottle in one hand and other hand swaying up high in air was jamming hard on the incredibly loud ear bursting songs not caring about anything . But she was attracting alot of attention , as is the rule of the world the things we don't want come much earlier than the things we really aspire for . As she swayed and moved with the beats , she felt someones presence behind her .

"Is this Deja Vu or did I come back to the point which I hated the most to be in , this really ain't right " .

*This is where we started , the beginning of this tale , the present . *

Stacey turned to check if it was the same person she was thinking of it to be , and to no one's surprise it was him , KJ . Stacey gave him a blank face and walked away . KJ followed her and grabbed her by her wrist .

Stacey shot him her scary stare " fuck off , I don't have anything to do with you. " she swat away his hand freeing herself from his grip . KJ was instigated by this and he pushed her towards the club walls making sure she wouldn't break free of his grip this time , holding her by both her hands .

"I don't think that way . Aren't you moving around me with that geek just to get back to me . " KJ said with a dirty smirk plastered on his face .

" *scoffs* whatever that floats your boat. " Stacey retorts with a smirk in return trying to get loose of his grip , to which KJ increases the intensity he held her and secured her in his grip again " do you want me to believe that bullshit ." KJ replies , now with a hint of anger evident in his voice .

"Just come to the reality Mr KJ , I am over you . I fucking don't love you anymore . " she said vigouring violently in the hope of breaking his grip .

"Is it ? You sure you don't love me ? " KJ said now inching closer to her face , dangerously close .

Stacey tilted her head to other direction to avoid any unwanted contact "just go away I'm not interested anymore. "

KJ moved further closer to her ear and whispered , tingling the insides of her ear with his warm breath. " Does he make you happy ? I doubt it , (moves further closer ) your ego might not approve of it , but your body needs me , (KJ removes his hand from her wrist and moves it down to her clit dabbing down there ) my chocopie's already wet , want daddy to help you with it ? " KJ asked with the clichè playboy tone that came out more effortlessly than his breath .

Stacey had a quick replay of the happy past she and KJ had together , and the times when he would call her his chocopie , the replay induced strange sensations in her that were not supposed to be induced , but it was now late to mend it and things had already gone array .

"Fuck me " Stacey said looking at him after staring into empty space .

KJ was taken aback by what she said . Even if he wanted to hear it , he had nearly no hope of her giving in to him . But he got out of that shock and a smirk took over his face. He tried to confirm it for the last time and the answer changed his cocky expression to more of a content one . He smiled like he used to do when they were in the first few days of dating . "You sure about it ? " KJ asked and Stacey replied the question with a passionate and deep kiss on his lips .


Next morning

Stacey woke up to find herself in the now familiar place , KJ's penthouse , she got up with a jolt and for a change today she was the one to wake up first , so she got in her clothes as fast as she can and fled from there .

"So what did you do yesterday without me , you weren't bored right . I am sorry for leaving you alone . " Harry said with a apologetic puppy face.

Stacey was lost in space hearing to what Harry had said , cursing herself in mind for doing what she had done last night. Harry asked her again that brought her back to senses and she just replied with a smile and looked away . Obviously she cannot tell Harry about what happened last night , even without him knowing she was not able to face him then what would be it like when he would know about it , he would be disappointed in her and would not want to see her again .
These things were more scary to her than anything now , the thought of Harry leaving her , her crossing the limit Harry had set in his mind until which he would stay by her side .

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