Mine, exclusively mine part 1

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Everyone looked at vansh with anger filled eyes as he announced that he would be getting married to ahana within the next 7 days

I: how could you vansh bhai

V: come on ishani
You used to hate riddhima
Then what happened now?
Since when did you two become friends

I: seriously bhai
Do you have any idea how much broken she was after your fake death drama
She did everything to protect us, even risked her life for us

V: I don't believe all this
She has been doing nothing but lying since the day she entered inside this mansion
My decision is final
Iam getting married to ahana
And thats final
Riddhima will have to leave from here

D: vansh
It this your final decision?

V: yes

D: fine then
Listen to me very carefully
Riddhima will not go anywhere

V: and with what relation she will stay here

D: as my daughter in law

V: Your daughter in law is ahana
My would be wife
Riddhima is not my wife

D: when did i say that riddhima is your wife

Vansh looked at her confused

V: what do u mean?

D: well now that you have decided to get married to ahana
Then iam planning to get riddhima married too

Vansh's breath caught in his lungs hearing about riddhima getting married to someone else

Ishani smirked seeing vansh's pale face

I: you know what dadi
This is the best decision ever
But who will be the groom?


Vansh looked at dadi shocked

I: oh my god dadi
This is perfect
Riddhima and kabir know eachother since 2 years
They would be a perfect couple

Dadi walked up to riddhima who was standing there with any emotion

Dadi held her hand and squeezed it, assuring her

D: do u trust me riddhima

Riddhima nodded her head

D: will you marry kabir

Riddhima looked at vansh but all his accusations and words came crashing down on her

Vansh hopped in his heart that riddhima will refuse to marry kabir

No matter how much he wants to hurt her in his quest for revenge
He can't even stand seeing her with anyone else
She belongs to him

R: yes dadi
I will marry kabir

Vansh felt his entire world collapse

But once again, her betrayal came infront of his eyes

Putting up a stern face, vansh said

V: fine then
Seems like there are going to be two weddings in VR mansion

D: everyone back to your room
Tomorrow we will have the engagement ceremony

Everyone retired to their room but vansh hid behind the pillar as he saw kabir approaching riddhima

Kabir came near her and held her hand

Vansh clutched his fist seeing them

K: riddhima
I know all this is very difficult for you
But trust me
I will try my best to keep you happy
You know when i got to know that my mom was just using me to get all the property
That was when I realised what it feels like to be used as a pawn by someone you love the most
That moment, I cursed my life
Because i lost you because of my foolishness
But seems like destiny is giving me another chance
And i will not let it go
I will love you just like you used to love me
You might never be able to love me the same way as before
But i dont mind
Destiny has given another chance to vansh too
We all tried to convince him about your innocence but he had turned blind in his ego

Riddhima looked in kabir's eyes

No matter how much she loved vansh

There is no denying that kabir knew her in and out
And why not
They have 2 years of their life with eachother

R: i just hope that everything goes well

K: i hope so too

Vansh blood boiled seeing them soo close to eachother

Was he really doing a mistake

Was he really too blind in his revenge that he was denying her innocence

Was he really gonna loose her?

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