Bundle of joy part 5

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The person was revealed to be aryan

He quietly tip toed out of the house with riva in his arms

As he was about to sit in his car, someone held his hands

He turned around to see vansh standing there with blood shot eyes

Taking riva from aryan's hand, vansh punched his hard across the face making him bleed

V: how could you do this aryan

A: oh stop it vansh bhai
You too are doing the same

V: what?

A: yes
You are refusing to accept your baby

Vansh looked at him surprised

A: what?
Surprised that how i know all this
Come on bhai
Its written all over your face
Not bad haan
After spending soo many colorful nights with your wife, you are refusing to accept your blood


A: i wont
I won't let you keep this trash in our house

V: this is my house
And riva will stay here only
If you have any problem then leave from here

Aryan looked at him scared

V: dare u do such a stunt again
I will kill you with my bare hands

Saying soo vansh went inside with riva

Placing her in the crib he kissed her forehead

Coming to riddhima who was sleeping peacefully
Vansh kissed her forehead and then her belly

V: iam soo sorry baby
Dadaa was refusing to accept you
Dadaa loves u alot
He can't even imagine seeing you hurt
But now I understand
I myself am hurting you and your mama the most
But not anymore
I know there would be danger around
But i will stand like a shield infront you all
I will protect you all with my life
I have decided
Iam going to leave this risky business
I love u
I love u alot

Saying soo vansh went to the other side of the bed and laid down smiling looking at his lifelines
His sweetheart
His unborn baby
His riva

Slowly he drifted into a peaceful sleeping dreaming about a beautiful happy with his lifelines

The end

Riansh / Rihaan/Rrahel  one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ