Bundle of joy part 3

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Vansh entered inside the room to see riddhima playing with the baby and talking to her in baby language

Vansh felt fluttered seeing her like this

She looked soo soo beautiful

The baby placed her tiny hands on riddhima's clothed breast as she was hungry

Vansh felt a pang of jealousy run down his entire being seeing the baby hand on his sweetheart breast

Vansh went near them and slowly and gently took the baby's small hands into his giant hands

Caressing them softly, he moved them away from riddhima's breast

Riddhima laughed out loud seeing her husband action

R: Mr vansh rai singhania
Are u jealous of a small baby

V: no iam not

R: oh ho
Vansh what will you do when our baby will come

V: you will still pamper me the most

R: why soo

V: because iam your first baby
I will always be your top most priority
Our baby will feel jealous from me

Riddhima smiled whole heartedly hearing our baby from his mouth

Even though he had said it unintentionally but she knew he was slowly accepting the baby

Maybe this cute little baby girl would be a source to melt down his heart

The servant knocked the door and gave the milk bottle to riddhima

Riddhima fed the baby and laid her down beside her and slept while hugging her

Vansh smiled a little seeing them and went to the couch to complete his work

After a while he heard giggling sounds and was shocked to see the baby slowly crawling towards the bed edge in her sleep

He immediately rushed to the bed and picked up the baby

The baby hugged vansh's large arm
Vansh placed a a hand on her back and stared walking around the room lulling the baby to sleep

Riddhima opened her eyes and was shocked to see the bed empty

She was about to shout in panic

When her eyes fell on the couch

There laid vansh with the baby in his arms
Holding her securely
Sleeping peacefully

Riddhima tip toed out of the bed and clicked their photo

Dadi came to their room and knocked the door breaking vansh's sleep

D: i came to check on the baby

V: baby is fine dadi
She is sleeping

D: i was wondering
Till when we will continue calling her baby
We should decide a name for her

So guys, what should be the baby's name?

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