Begin Again

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Phil woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming in through the sheer hotel curtains. He shivered and huddled under his blankets even more. The air conditioner had been on its highest setting all night. He stretched his legs, then realising that Dan's legs were tangled up with his own.

He imagined Dan's long, tan, and bare legs. He was all of a sudden nervous in knowing how close they were to him. The brunette lay next to him on his stomach, his hair glistening in the sunlight and his arms resting by his head. Phil made an attempt to move his own legs without waking his friend, but to no avail. As soon as he moved his legs, Dan made a groaning noise and jerked his head up, then squinting at the brightness. Phil sat up and pulled the sheet to his chest.

"Good morning," Dan mumbled. He also sat up and stretched. The older one tried not to stare at his friend's shirtless body. "What time is it?" he asked.

Phil grabbed his iPhone and pushed the home button. "Ten thirty-two."

"What do you want to do?"

The black-haired one shrugged. "I don't know. It's our only free day here since tomorrow we've got VidCon."

Dan got out of bed and stretched again. Without a word, he walked over to his own room. Phil felt his pulse return to normal. He got out of bed and went to take a shower.

"Nice meeting you too," Phil replied as he watched another fan walk away after taking a photo with he and Dan. The fans were still freaking out about what happened during Phil's accidental YouNow show, but they hadn't met any who had said anything. He opened his bottle of water and took another drink.

"Give it," Dan commanded, holding out his hand. "I'm going to die of dehydration." He took a drink from the water bottle and handed it back to his friend. "Why is it so fucking hot?"

"We're in California in the middle of summer. What did you want? A fall breeze?" Phil asked as he smiled.

"Shut up."

They were in Venice Beach. Between the dancers and street performers, they'd only been noticed twice.  They watched as a man on stilts tossed knives from hand to hand.

"Hey Dan?" called Phil over the music blaring from a speaker. His face broke out into a smile. "Remember when you almost died from a street performer throwing knives?"

Dan smirked playfully. "Yeah, I remember. Thanks for bringing that up."

"No problem."

And then, as if it was totally natural, Dan reached over and grabbed Phil's hand. They ignored the stares that they got and continued walking.

"Knock knock!" A male's voice called out later that evening. Dan jumped up from the desk that he was sitting at with his laptop on it. Phil looked up from his iPhone to see PJ stood there, a messenger bag on his shoulder.

"Hey mates," PJ greeted as he walked in.

"Peej, what're you doing here?" Phil asked, standing up from his seat on the bed."I thought your flight didn't come in until tomorrow."

PJ smiled. "Surprise?" His phone went off in his bag. He pulled it out and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fucking hell. Chris is lost. Lost. How do you get lost in a fucking parking-lot?" he threw his hands up in the air and turned and walked toward the door. "I'll be right back," he called over his shoulder. He placed the door lock in front of the door so that he could get back in.

"Dan?" Phil asked once they were alone.

"Yeah?" the brunette replied, swiveling around in the chair placed at the desk to face him.

"About today..."

"Yeah?" he repeated.

"You can't pretend like you didn't hold my hand," Phil said quietly. He was now aware of his frustration toward Dan for his mixed messages. 

"I know," he said simply. Like it meant nothing.

"Well you either like me, or you don't."

"Of course I like you, Phil."

"You know what I meant."

"I don't know."

"You don't know?" repeated Phil, placing his phone on the bedside table. He closed his eyes in exasperation. "You're killing me here. I never know whether you're just being you or if you actually care about me like I care about you. Or if you're just playing around with me because you know how I feel about you. Like you just want-"

Phil's rambling was cut off by a pair of lips being pressed on his own. Surprised, he his eyes to see Dan standing above him, their lips meeting. He wanted to pull away and ask him what he was doing. Was he doing this to toy with his emotions as well?

The younger one put his hands on Phil's shoulders and pinned him down, and then Dan placed his body on top of Phil's. No, this wasn't just him toying with his emotions. They deepened the kiss. Phil placed his hands on the other male's waist.

All of a sudden, there was a sudden dropping sound. "What the hell?"

Dan rolled off of Phil and found PJ standing at the enterance to the room with Chris behind him. While PJ stood with his eyes wide and mouth open, Chris was hunched over in laughter.

"I told you!" Chris said in between inhales and laughter. "It wasn't because they were drunk! Hey Dan do you wanna have a gay off?" He shoved PJ as if to say 'I told you so.'

Dan smiled. "Shut up, Chris."

Phil, his face flushed, smoothed out his hair.There was an overhwleming silence.

"Should we leave you two alone?" PJ finally said, breaking the silence.

Now it was Phil's turn to smile. "Shut up."

There was another awkward silence.

" about that airline food?" Chris asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

The four all erupted with laughter.


Holy crap, you guys. I got such a HUGE response on the last chapter! It looks like I'm going to be continuing this story! Thanks. Let me know what you think through votes and comments, because the more there are, the more likely it is that I'll motivate myself to write this. (As I mentioned before, it's very hard to motivate myself to write this story. ) Thanks guys x

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