Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

          The next day at lunch, I was groggy and sleepy. It was like I was walking through cement, using every ounce of energy in me to lift my feet. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night, tossing and turning to no end. It was six when I woke up in the morning after finally managing to drift away to dreamland . . . or more like nightmare land. Old memories began to resurface again and the pain ached. I traced my fingers over the scar on the right side of my neck and let them linger there.

          My legs felt like jelly as I entered the lunchroom and I could barely seem to focus on where I was going . . . or who I might walk into. I suddenly stumbled back, tripping over my own two feet, and fell to the ground with a loud thump! "I'm so sorry . . ." I started to say, and then caught sight of the indigo, high-inch heel boots and almost choked. Slowly, I lifted my head up and cringed.

          A very angry Courtney Oakley towered over me, the top half of her white blouse completely drenched in thick ketchup, and her face matched the color of her stained shirt. My first thought was "Who wears a white blouse to school? It's not like paparazzi are just waiting to take your photo," and was overcome with ultimate fear. I just sat there, frozen in my place, too afraid to move.

          Chloe and Iris rushed forward. "Oh my gosh! Courtney! Are you okay? You little pest! Look at what you did!" A million thoughts rushed in my head. Oh no! What have I done? I wanted to get through high school unnoticed, without drawing any attention to myself. Now look at me. I just turned myself into a target for Courtney Oakley and her 2 parrots. I don't even have to look to know everyone's eyes are on me.

          I quickly scrambled to my feet and could already feel the panic rising in my throat. "I'm so sorry. It was an accident," I said in a small voice. Courtney just glared at me, the anger unmistakable in her blue eyes. She turned to Chloe, who ran to the nearest table, picked up a tray of chicken and rice, and dumped the whole thing on my head. To top it all off, Iris grabbed a large iced coffee, removed the cover, and slowly let the sugary liquid drench over my rice invested head, making sure to get every last drop.

          Courtney, clearly satisfied, smiled. "If we only had dessert, then the meal would really be complete." Her eyes scanned the room and smile stretched to a grin. She strolled over to a table and picked up a plate of chocolate fudge cake. I don't have to be Einstein to know she's not going to eat it. I just stood there; my feet planted to the floor, like an idiot, and watched her play with the glass plate. The whole cafeteria was on the edge of their seats.

          She lifted her arm and got ready to swing when a hand shot out, and the plate fell to the floor. "Damien?!" She looked shocked for a moment, and then her calm, cool self resurfaced. "What are you doing?"

          He ignored her and instead focused all his attention on me. His strong, steady gaze seemed to practically burn into my soul, I couldn't bring myself to look away. He grabbed my hand, and I immediately flinched. But he only tightened his hold and practically dragged me out of the cafeteria, leaving a very stunned pack of high school kids behind. Being this close to Damien made me very uncomfortable . . . and surprisingly, a little flustered.  Something about the way we held hands felt so right and complete.

          I hadn't even realized where we were going until Damien pulled me through a door and into a familiar room. The Nurse's office. A young woman who looked like she was in her mid-twenties stood up from where she sat at a desk in the far corner of the room. Her chestnut-colored hair lay in a simple ponytail and she wore a simple yet classy peach dress suit underneath her Nurse's coat. Her chocolate brown eyes shone with concern.

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