Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

            It was the day before Winter Break and although Alex reassured me everything would work out, we hadn’t seen Jesse since that morning where they had a disagreement, and I was beginning to worry. Damien told me not to worry, but how could I not when I had been the reason for their fight. I decided that I would talk to Jesse and try to reason with him. He didn’t have to like me, and he didn’t have to believe me, but I wanted him to talk with Damien and be friends again.

            Miraculously, I managed to catch him in the hall alone, and before I lost my confidence, I grabbed his sleeve. “Hey Jesse.”

            He was surprised to see me but then replaced it with hostility. “What do you want?”

            I ignored his bitter tone and pushed forward. “Can I talk to you? Please?”

            He sighed loudly and turned to face me. “What?”

            I took his sleeve and pulled him to a quiet corner. “Jesse, I don’t care if you hate me or that you don’t believe me. I’m not forcing you to. But please make up with Damien. You guys are friends, and I don’t want to get in the way of that. “

            After letting my words sink, he ran a hand through his hair while massaging the back of his neck. “You know, I confronted Courtney after hearing what Damien said. She denied it, of course, as you could imagine. But then she asked me ‘Who else did she tell?’ Then more urgently, ‘Does Damien know?’ When I told her it was Damien who told me and that he believed you, she literally fell apart. That’s when I knew you were telling the truth.

            “Look, I’m sorry about what I said. I just couldn’t believe Courtney would do all that stuff. I don’t hate you. I just wasn’t thinking straight. And when Courtney admitted to doing all that, I just . . .” He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the floor sheepishly.

            Then I realized. “You like her.”

            He looked up sharply, but didn’t deny it. “She only has eyes for Damien.”

            That didn’t exactly make me feel great. “Damien doesn’t like her,” I said defensively.

            “Yeah, try telling that to her.”


Since the boys wouldn’t have the thought of school hanging over their heads until they got back, Sammy thought it would be perfect for the guys to promote themselves more and get the name ‘Blackjacks’ out there for everyone to see. In honor of the upcoming New Year, Christmas and other occasions, the Blackjacks will be performing each night in countdown to the New Year to come, starting tonight.

            Shortly after our talk, Jesse and Damien were all smiles after school, showing no ill will towards each other. I thought Damien and I could have a little alone time to ourselves but any such thoughts were diminished at the sight of Sammy leaning against a black van in the school parking lot. “Hey you guys!”

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