Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I awoke with a start. I was still in the bleak hospital room with the dirty. White walls and the smudged glass windows. I went out of control and nearly hurt Damien, all because of one word he said. The name of the person whose face haunts me in my dreams every time I close my eyes.

The door to my room burst open and my mother rushed in. "Amber—" She buried me in an envelope of sugar and cinnamon. I breathed in her familiar scent and hugged her tightly. "I'm so sorry."

I didn't know what to say. Instead, I remained silent. That is, until my father walked through the door and stopped at the edge of the bed.

"Papa?" I said in disbelief.

He didn't say anything, only wrapped his arms around us, pulling us into a group hug. "Amber . . ." From over my shoulder, I saw Damien enter the room. Our eyes locked gazes. I can't imagine what he must think of me. I'm too scared to know.

My parents somehow sensed Damien was in the room and reluctantly pulled away from me. He came around the other side of my bed while my mother took a seat, but my father remained where he was.

Damien looked at with such force as if out of fear that I would break apart if he even blinked. "I'm so glad you're okay . . . I am so sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"It's my fault I . . . if I had known . . ."

I cut him off. "Don't say that. It's not your fault. I'm just crazy, that's all."

"You are not crazy," my mother said sternly. "That was only a normal reaction, Amber."

"There was nothing normal about it—," I started to say in bewilderment but I was interrupted by my Father, and if I had known what his next words were I wouldn't have given him the chance to speak.

"Damien, exactly what kind of feelings to hold in favor of my daughter?" he asked.

I nearly choked on thin air. "Papa—!"

But Damien showed no embarrassment or any surprise. His stance was straight and his voice streamed with confidence. But his next words made me gasp in shock. "I love your daughter, sir."

My eyes widened. I heard my mother give a startled noise but I didn't pay attention as I stared at Damien. My father, on the other hand, seemed satisfied with his response. "Then, I believe he has the right to know, Amber." He turned to look me straight in the eye and it was then I knew exactly what he meant.

"No, Papa—" I protested.

"Did you not just hear what this boy just said, Amber! He openly declared his love for you!"

"But, he can't love me. No one can love me . . ."

"Don't say that, Amber," Damien said. "I do love you, and I'm not afraid to say it."

"Come Evette. Let's leave them be," Father said.

Mother seemed reluctant to go. "Mustafa—"

Father tugged on her arm gently and pulled her out of the room. Damien and I were left alone.

"Damien, please don't do this—" I pleaded with him.

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