Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

We were reaching the middle of December when Taylor dragged me to the mall for some shopping. It was still hard to believe that Damien and I had been dating for almost three weeks. Everyone in school was well aware that we were an "item" and despite a few dirty looks my way, Courtney and I were practically strangers. Although Damien and I were able to finally have our first kiss, we hadn't really gotten past standard kissing and while I was contempt with the pace we were at now, I wasn't sure how Damien felt. What if he wants to move things along faster but is holding back because of me? What if he gets bored and decides he doesn't want to wait forever for me to come around? While sitting at the food court with Taylor, a plate of uneaten fries left to grow soggy, I voiced my fears aloud.

"What? No! Amber, you of all people should know him better than that. He would never just dump you for some skank on the street. That's just low." She stared at my plate of fries and practically drooled. I bit back a laugh and pushed the plate to her with a smile.

She smiled back sheepishly and popped a fry in her mouth, taking out her phone. "He's crazy about you. He made me promise to keep him updated and ever since we got to the mall, he's been texting me every ten seconds. If I didn't love my phone so much, I would have probably thrown it in the fountain just to shut him up."

I laughed at her last comment. "That's so cute. He's like a parent."

Taylor snorted. "Sure, a parent who doesn't know how to take a hint." She ate another fry and chewed thoughtfully. "You know Amber, I couldn't help but notice that you've changed a lot."

"I've changed? How?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "Well I always use to see you alone and away from other people. You always kept to yourself. But now, you've cracked that shell of yours and let us in. I'm really happy you did, too."

"Why? I mean, it's not like you actually knew me . . ."

"It's because, to me, you were like a thin sheet of glass that with just one touch could break away into a million pieces. Even now, the glass hasn't broken yet but you still have cracks and empty spaces that were chipped away. I just want you to be happy, Amber. You deserve to be happy, and as much as I butt heads with Damien, he's a great guy who will make you happy."

Her words turned me speechless, and I racked my brain for what to say in response. Thankfully, Taylor's phone diverted her attention to a new message. "I swear, I am going to . . ." She huffed in frustration and unlocked the screen to view the message. "Damien wants me to buy you something to eat or drink or whatever."

I shook my head. "Please, Taylor, I don't want anything."

She looked like she didn't believe me. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I only eat if I'm really, really hungry. I don't normally have the appetite to eat something."

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