Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Outside this room were glasses clinking and high pitched laughing but all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. My hand cupped the side of my face as I stared at Ky in frozen shock. His demeanor had completely changed as his expression became darker. He looked at me with cruel eyes. "You might have been able to get away with a lot of crap when you were together with him but I won't tolerate this kind of behavior when you're with me."

I opened my mouth to speak but no words would form. All I could do was openly gape at him. He continued to stare at me before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He straightened his collar and pasted a calm expression on his face. "Now, I expect you to play the part of "loving fiancee" when we go out there. Put a smile on your face, I don't care if its forced, and try to laugh. Don't let anyone be suspicious of you," His tone was light, almost friendly, as if he were giving me last minute tips for a job interview. "And when we go out there, I want you to think of me me and only me. No one else." He took a step towards me and without thinking I flinched. He reached his hand out to touch the spot where he had slapped me. "I'm sorry if it hurt." He gave me a sad smile, letting his fingers trail down my face to graze my exposed neck.

His touch sent fear crawling over my skin. Behind the soft touch was a deadly hold. It was in the way his fingers curled over my pulse, gripping tightly. I didn't want him touching me.

Immediately, thoughts of Damien filled my head and the realization of what I was doing overwhelmed me with tears. "I want you to cut off all ties with him. I want you to break him. Make him hate you. If you don't, then I will," he said in a low voice while his fingers flexed against my pulse.

He let it sink in for a moment before pulling away and holding out his arm. "Shall we go?"

The thought of wrapping my hand affectionately around his arm repulsed me. But with great reluctance I held my tears and took his arm.


"My fiancee and I would like to thank you all for coming." Ky held a champagne flute in hand as he addressed the entire room. I remained in my seat with a neutral expression on my face, unable to mirror the smiling faces of everyone else. Gustavo, Taylor and Jules kept shooting me worried glances to which I kept brushing off. When we returned to the table I had to hold myself from collapsing in a pathetic heap in front of everyone but by some miracle I was able to pull off a reasonable performance much to everyone's confusion. Well, all except for Ky's parents who strongly believed I was making the 'better choice.'

Ky kept me away from my friends, who didn't believe for one second that I was suddenly on board with marrying Ky, by introducing me to people I could care less about. Businessmen in tightly fitted suits and posh women with overly powdered noses. I felt like a robot following commands, shaking every hand, kissing every cheek. I wasn't the one in control of my actions but I was allowing them to happen.

"Amber!" Gustavo pulled me to the side, away from Ky's watchful eyes. "What happened in there? What did he say to you?"

"What do you mean?" My voice echoed a small, scared child.

"Amber, don't play games with me. What did he say to you? Did he threaten you?" He pleaded with me. "No matter what, I'll protect you. He can't hurt you."

"Gustavo." I was holding back tears, trying to be strong, when all I wanted to do was tell him everything.

"There you are, sweetie." Ky strode over with a dazzling smile, putting an arm around my waist. "Is this where you ran off to?" His fingers pinched my waist painfully hard, and I had to bite the inside of my mouth to keep from screaming.

Gustavo watched us with blazing eyes. "Take your hands off her."

"Ooh, I would watch that mouth of yours Gustavo. Wouldn't want a misunderstanding on our hands now would we?" Ky said in a tone that held a very clear warning, as he dig harder into my side.

"I won't let you get away with this," Gustavo replied in a voice just as menacing. "I won't let you take her away from me."

Ky only smiled. "You have a nice night Gustavo." He pulled me alongside him to the other side of the room. I looked back at Gustavo to see him give me a tight smile. "Don't worry," he mouthed. But I could see the fear and worry in his eyes as he tried to comfort me. Ky tugged on my arm, pulling my face forward. "Don't get any ideas."

Although a part of me was hoping that Gustavo could find a way out for me I knew it was like walking on thin air. Unless I was willing to let Ky destroy everyone's lives, there was no way out for me. And he knew it.

"Your boyfriend might be okay with it, but his chances of making it big in the music world will fall and crumble."

If Damien knew I was doing, he would probably be furious. Knowing him, he would ruin any chances of becoming a famous musician if it meant being with me instead. The thought made me smile.

But I'm not going to let him sacrifice himself for my sake. No matter how stupid it may sound. I'm not going to ruin Damien's life at the cost of my own.

Even if it meant I was going to suffer.

Here's another chapter for you guys! I hoped you enjoyed it. I'm reaching the end of this book with a few chapters left and I'm sure you're thinking how could you end it the way things are happening now. Well ... I can't. At least not in this book. There is going to be a sequel. 😊 Hope you're looking forward to what's to come. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think will happen in the chapters to come. ❤️

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