Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

        I breathed a sigh of relief when we pulled up in front of the club. People were lined up and down the block and the flashing neon lights blinded me. I never know how popular the Blackjacks were but from the crowd outside I assumed they were a big hit.

        Gustavo was at the front of our entourage and within seconds, no questions asked, we were silently waved through, much to the dismay of others. But suddenly as we were walking by, some girls at the front screamed. “Oh my god! It’s Ky!” I looked behind me to see Ky, with his hands in his pockets, regard them with a small smile.

        Other girls began to scream as well. “Oh my god! Ky, I love you!” He simply waved and continued forward, grabbing my arm when I didn’t follow. I looked over my shoulder and watched as two guards had to come forward to keep the girls from running in.

        “Why were they screaming your name?” I asked.

        Instead of answering, he looked down at his hand, which was still holding my arm. “You didn’t pull away,” he said.

        “What?” I asked.

        He looked up and locked eyes with me. “Each time we touched, you would pull away. Why is that?”

        I jerked my arm from his grasp. “What kind of question is that?”

        “I noticed you don’t like it when guys touch you. Why is that?” he said. 

        He was asking too many questions. “You’re delusional.” Ky was right, of course, but I didn’t like how closely he was watching me and that thought alone made feel insecure. It was like he could see inside my head, and that scared me. I took a few steps back and quickly walked away before he had the chance to stop me. I hear him call after me, but I only walked faster. The club was packed and I couldn’t find Gustavo anywhere. I didn’t remember the way backstage but even if I did, there were too many people.

        When someone touched my shoulder, I screamed, thinking it was Ky, and quickly spun around. Taylor stood behind me with her hands up in an “I surrender” pose, her eyes wide. “Don’t shoot.”

        I breathed a heavy sigh and hit her in the shoulder. “Taylor! Why’d you scare me?”

        “I didn’t scare you, you’re just jumpy. Why do you look so scared?” Taylor wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started walking.

        “I’m not scared. I guess I’m just tired,” I said back. For some reason, I didn’t want her to know about Ky just yet.

        “Well, you won’t be tired after you see the boys all dressed up. Especially Damien. I’m sure you’ll get all you energy back,” she said nonchalantly.

        We reached the Blackjacks dressing room and Taylor walked right in. “Look who I found on the dance floor!” She’s always sure to make her entrance known. I followed her in, shaking my head.

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