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In the bar, it was way too warm as usual, with everyone's villanous sweat mingling in the air. Dabi took in a deep breath and instantly regretted it.


He placed his mask and sunglasses on the bar counter and pulled his hoody over his shoulders. Twice watched him.

"Where'd you get that?" The Deadpool ripoff asked. The hoody was actually a present Hawks had got for him a while ago, so he didn't always have to be wearing his heavy cloak to cover his scars.

"None of your business."

"Hey, Dabi! Where have you been?" Toga came running and was about to suffocate him from a hug but he dodged, leaping over the counter to get away.

Everyone knew that anyone who Toga hugged would probably die from lack of air.

"Just out, you know. Scouting 'round," he said, side-glancing at Kurogiri, who didn't normally like people behind the counter. It was his special place, nobody else's, and he felt triggered if anyone joined him there.

Dabi ignored this however, and snatched a bottle off of the large shelves behind them both. Kurogiri tried to take it back but Dabi simply jumped onto the counter again, sliding along it until he got to Shiggy.

He then sat down opposite him and chugged the bottle while swinging his dangling legs in the air.

"You're such a disgrace," the Handyman said.

"Just like you. That's why you run our little gang." Dabi chuckled a bit as he set down the half-empty bottle by his thigh.

"So? What's this meeting about?" He wasn't really interested, but the sooner it got started, the sooner it would finish.

The Egg - DabiHawks [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant