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and damn this story got kinda serious lol


"Hey, what the hell? And don't swear in front of the kid, we don't want him learning that kind of language at such a young age." Dabi rolled his eyes at that.

"It's not like he can hear us," he said.

Although the villan wasn't talking about him, Hawks felt offended at that, because he knew that even if you were a tiny baby you were still able to hear things and later in life, understand them.

"Still," said the hero. "I want my boy to grow up and be a good, innocent child."

Dabi laughed. "Oh, he ain't gonna be innocent when I'm done with him." He grinned wickedly and pounded his fist into his palm, making Hawks slightly worried, though he tried not to show it.

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean, I'm gonna teach our kid everything he needs to know."

Hawks didn't like the sound of that.

"No, I'm not letting you tell him weird things. I'll make sure he's brought up in a healthy environment, where there are no dirty secrets whatsoever."

Dabi waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, he'll learn that on his own. I'm talking about casual stuff, like when getting to know your peers in school, always prepare for any life-changing disasters, don't trust anyone, and carry a knife around where ever you go. You can never be too careful," he said, matter of factly.

Hawks stared at him.
He's thought this out so well already.

"Are you sure about that? What if he's...soft? He might not like your violent way of living."

"Scuse me? He'll be the hottest guy around when he's grown. A total badass, too."

"Yeah well...we haven't even got a name for him and you're already panning out his future."

"I'm just...I-" Dabi groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, Hawks, I don't know how parenting works, but I'm just trying to make sure he won't waste his life away...like me. I know I'm a villan, obviously. And I'm not ashamed of it. But I'm still human, and I've got to take part it this whole thing."

With clenched fists and a piercing gaze, Dabi now looked defiantly at Hawks who was still holding the baby in his arms, absentmindedly cradling him to quieten him down.

"I'm not criticizing you, okay? And..." Hawks sighed heavily. "Right. Let's start from the beginning." He pushed himself up against the bedframe and looked down at the tiny boy. "We should name this lil guy."

"Alright. You got anything any in mind?"

Hawks thought hard.
This was the moment they would choose what they were going to call the child for the rest of their life. To them, it felt like they were choosing their kids fate.


"I like Kaito," Dabi said flatly.

"What about..." The hero and the villan looked at each other.
"Hato," they both said in unison.

Hawks grinned and his eyes sparkled. "Yes! It's like both of those names together. This is perfect, we're gonna be great parents, Dabi."

The villan rested his hand on Hawks's shoulder, a small smile spreading across his face.

"I'm sure we are."

~The End~


and a new family was formed. ugh - so emotional.

yes im gonna do a small epilogue.
maybe even a part two when Hato is like a teen yaknow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) there'll also be more kids coz i got the idea from some comics and things from Juniperarts (they have good dabihawks love child stuff)
see ya soon hopefully.

The Egg - DabiHawks [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now