It's Done

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Dabi tried to retort back, but was interrupted by another loud crack, and he dropped the egg in shock.


Thankfully, Hawks managed to reach out his hands just in time and he caught it perfectly. He then placed it in the safety of the middle of the bed and patted it before getting off to find some comfier clothes.

"Don't touch it," he said, disappearing into his closet. "I don't trust you not to drop it again."

"Bitch, I don't trust myself," the villan replied. He silently sat on the edge of the bed, far away from the egg, and stared at it. It was still cracking open, little holes opening up here and there.

Eventually the pieces were completely broken and fell apart, exposing a very small but very precious creature inside.

Dabi couldn't help picking it up in awe, and he wrapped it up in the blanket from before so it was a little bundle in his arms.

"Hey Hawks?" He called. "I think it's...done."

"What do you mean, 'done'?" Hawks stepped out of the closet, now in loose joggers and a plain t-shirt. His golden eyes widened when he saw Dabi with the newly-hatched baby in his hands.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Hawks hissed. He tried to grab it from Dabi and he moved his arms out of the way, but then they both heard a whimpering noise.


the child is alive-

The Egg - DabiHawks [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now