As Life Goes On

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Life was difficult with Hawks being a hero and Dabi being a villan - they kept having to leave their houses to do work and all that jazz, so usually they got Auntie Mirko or Uncle Jin to look after him. They could keep secrets and we're great at keeping Hato entertained.

Mirko would hoist him up onto her shoulders and he would hold onto her ears, and they'd whizz around the apartment, often getting complaints from the neighbours.

Through games, Twice taught Hato valuable skills like martial arts (lmao) at a very young age, and would encourage the boy to fly, but of course, only a tRuE bird could do that job, and Hawks enjoyed watching his son's strength in his wings grow.

"You're doing great, kid," he would say after practice. He'd give Hato a head pat and ruffle his hair every time, which made the boy smile.

Don't get me wrong, he did spend time with his villanous father, but Hawks felt a bit overprotective when he had to go do hero work and it was Dabi's turn to look after Hato. He couldn't help thinking he was teaching him all the dirty secrets of the world and things he shouldn't quite know yet-

but Hawks trusted his boyfriend, or rather, husband.

Dabi had recently proposed to him, and everything had gone so well. They were both excited for the wedding (and Hawks was surprised that Dabi could be so soft-) but they decided to only invite a few people: The League, and Mirko.

Yes, Mirko was the only hero that knew about the relationship of the hero and the villan, but she didn't mind being surrounded by villans almost the time. It made her feel special, like she was an exception (which she was).

Another secret they had told was their true identities. To protect Hato (i think?), Dabi and Hawks had revealed themselves as Touya Todoroki and Keigo Takami, since hardly anyone knew their real names. They thought it would be best for Hato to get to know their parents personally, because giving him fake names didn't feel right.

And because both the villan and the hero had previously been childhood best friends, it helped their love for each other to grow even more.

Never in their lives did they expect to have a kid, but it certainly kept the parents occupied and entertained all the time - always leaving them with something to do, something to constantly be on their minds.

Especially since Hawks had given birth to more children. Yes, ever since they had Hato, every spring, Hawks would become very clingy to Dabi, and when they did it, Dabi's dick 'went in different' again, and Hawks laid two more eggs. But it wasn't as painful since they had had experience from the first child, which Hawks was quite grateful about.

The new children where Satori and Riku. Satori was a brash and sassy blonde with red wings like Hawks's, while Riku was a quiet, shy redhead and had navy wings.

Dabi and Hawks lOvEd all their children and each day was an exciting adventure for each one of them, since Hawks had taken time off hero work to look after his kids better. He had told the Commission about the situation - well, only half of it - that he was busy at home with his partner. He didn't specify who it was, and sure, the press had been very curious, but Hawks somehow managed to keep them from finding out any secrets.

When Dabi had first tried to explain to his boss about the whole thing, Shigaraki hadn't been too happy about it. There had been multiple threats going back and forth, including things like ambushing Hawks's apartment and even murdering the children even at one point, but Dabi did stop the handyman from completely killing his whole family and actually got him to agree about going to the wedding.

It was mainly because of Kurogiri - he had kind of decided for Shigaraki about going to the wedding. Shiggy was reluctant about it, but the other League members seemed totally pumped.

Anyway, though Hawks and Dabi kept it secret, the kids would have to go out into the world eventually - they'd be old enough for school in only a few years, and Hawks couldn't wait to see his children grow up and make friends, maybe even find a lover and have kids of their own.

It was sure to say that they would all live hApPiLy EvEr AfTeR.

~The Actual End~


rubbish epilogue ending or whatever but yaknow.

the "part 2" where i write more when they're older probably won't come for quite a while since im working on a ton of other stuff and have SO MANY IDEAS FOR STORIES-
but yea, love y'all (maybe) and bye.
hoped you liked this dumb thing

also the art isn't mine

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