Meeting the Dennisons

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I rode my bike to the Dennison's house, and it was hard to do in the costume I chose to wear. I could have taken my broom, but it would draw too much attention.
Since it was Halloween, I wore what I normally would wear in 1690's Salem, but I modernized it.
My witch costume was my light blue dress with a black corset on the outside.
I used magic to add ruffles on the skirt of my dress and I wove an intricate pattern in the skirt. Then I used more magic to add a glittery pattern in my black cloak and I wore black heeled shoes.

I knocked on the door and Mrs. Dennison answered the door, and she smiled, "You must be Destiny, come on in." she invited.

"Thank you," I replied politely. When I walked in, I saw Dani, Max's sister, parading around the room in the witch costume she was wearing. Her dark blonde hair was in curls, she wore a black and orange dress, and she wore red lipstick.
She turned around and saw I was there and grinned, "Destiny!" she bounded forward and hugged me. "Hey Dani!" I hugged her back.
"Your costume is so pretty," she said excitedly; "Thank you, so is yours, we can be the best witches!"

"And get the most candy!" "Sounds like a good plan,"
I replied approvingly.
Just then, Max came down the stairs wearing a baseball cap, sunglasses, and a sour expression.
"What are you supposed to be?" Mr. Dennison asked. "A rap singer," said Max monotonously. "Then you should wear it like this," Mr. Dennison slid Max's hat so that it was facing sideways.
"Destiny come take a picture with us!" Dani grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the family photo.
"Say Halloween," Mrs. Dennison told us. "Halloween!" Everyone but Max exclaimed.

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