The Black Cat

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"We're home!" Aunt Winnie exclaimed. The three sisters looked exactly the same as the last time I saw them three-hundred years ago. "It worked!" Mary looked around the house with pure joy. "I knew it would."

Sarah reached up to one of the rafters and retrieved what looked like a thick piece of string, "My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" she did a little happy dance. "But who lit the Black Flame candle?" Winnie looked at the burning candle in amusement.

"I did aunties," I let my old Salem dialect completely come back. The three witches looked at me with surprise. "Destiny, thou finally hast listened to reason eh?" Aunt Winnie studied me. "Aye, I have." I said stiffly. "Miracles happen after all," Mary cackled. Suddenly she began to sniff, and I got the chills.
"I smell children." "Sick 'em!" Winnie ordered. My aunts began to search the room.
"It's a little girl; maybe seven or eight and a half." Mary reported to Winnie. My heart beat fast and I was earnestly hoping they wouldn't find Dani.
"Come little children I'll take thee away in." Sarah started to sing, but Winnie stopped her by covering her mouth. "Come on out little one, we will not harm thee. We love children!" she hit the display counter and Dani jumped up in terror.
"Greetings little one, what is the year?" Aunt Winifred asked. "1993," Dani replied. "Sisters, we have been gone three-hundred years," Winnie said in awe. "Time flies, when you're dead!" Sarah began to laugh as did the other witches. Dani guffawed to the point where she was the only one laughing and the witches hungrily stared at her.
Mary snarled at her with a crazed look and it was clearly making Dani uncomfortable, "Well, it's been fun but I think I should go." She attempted to get up from the chair she was sitting in but Winifred sat her back down, "Oh do stay for supper."
"I'm not hungry." "Oh, but we are!" Mary cackled. "Leave her alone!" I screamed. The witches were trying to put Dani inside the cauldron and I was desperately trying to free her.
"Hey! Let go of my little sister. I was the one who lit the candle, not Destiny." Max bravely stepped forward. The witches smiled madly and tried to get Max.
I used my magic to get Dani free and Allison whacked Mary in the head with a frying pan.
Max got an idea, "Hey! You mess with the great and powerful Max, you summon the burning rain of death."
He used the lighter he found to make it look like he lit fire in his hand. My aunts were intrigued by the supposed magic.
Max raised the lighter to the sprinkler on the ceiling and water began to rain in the house.
The Sanderson sisters ran for over to get out of the "burning rain" screaming in horror. I added flames around their shelter to add to the illusion. "I'm immune," I smirked at my aunts.
Suddenly, Max got pounced on by the black cat that was watching us, "Nice going, Max." The cat said. Max's eyes widened, "You can talk?" "Yeah, no kidding, get the book and let's get out of here." said the cat. Max just stared and the cat hissed, "Come on, move it!"

Max got a hammer and smashed the glass case around the book; the eye opened and looked around with confusion.
"My book! I want my book!" Winifred screamed but her sisters were holding her back.
"Maybe the burning rain will take thee back to hell!"
I mocked my evil aunt.
"Destiny! Thou little monster!" she screamed in fury.
"Let's go Max!" I called to my friend.
We ran out into the night with the black cat behind us.

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