Lifting the Spell

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My friends and I sprinted out of the school and we danced on the grass in celebration. We had killed my aunts.
"I'm finally free of those hags!" I twirled my skirts around as I danced happily.
"What are you going to do now?" Max asked with a smile.
"Figure out how to take the spell off Thackery." I replied with sincerity. "I appreciate the gesture my love..." Thackery started, but Allison cut him off. "No, she's onto something. There must be a way to take the spell off him."
"Wouldn't that require opening the book?" Dani asked. "I'm not using any of my aunts magic to do this," I replied.

I knelt down on the ground to face Thackery, "Dost thou trust me?" my old Salem dialect slipped out again. "Of course I trust you." he said.
"Then come here," I gestured for him to come to me. Thackery obeyed and then I touched the top of his head.
"Black magic that hast plagued thee, be gone and let the light come back. Restore the form that hast been taken." I closed my eyes and focused on bringing Thackery back to his human form. I let the peaceful pure energy come to the surface and it surged through my hand.
The happy memories of our relationship flipped through my mind like a slideshow.
  I saw us walking through the meadow holding hands and having our first kiss under the great oak tree that stood out above the rest. Our bond was strengthening, and it was now at its strongest.
My concentration was unbreakable.
"Come back my love," my voice was misty.
I opened my eyes and Thackery Binx was back in his human form. He looked exactly the same as he did three-hundred years ago. He was wearing the white shirt and brown trousers he wore as he would work on his family's farm. Thackery's blue eyes were glowing with excitement and he smiled.
"Destiny?" he reached to me and touched my face. "Hello Thackery." I grinned excitedly as happy tears escaped.
"You saved me, thank you." he stroked my face. We finally shared the kiss we had been waiting hundreds of years for.

His lips were soft and gentle against mine. I touched his face to make sure he was real and I kissed him back. I felt like a blossom blooming into the new spring after a cold desolate night of winter.
"I love you." Thackery whispered, he smiled his adorable smile. "I love you too Thackery Binx." We shared another kiss, forgetting our friends were still there.
We stopped kissing and looked at our friends. Allison's eyes were filled with happy tears, "You found your way back to each other."
"Welcome back, man." Max smiled. "Thank you." Thackery said modestly.
"That's so cute!" Dani gushed.
We laughed happily, and Thackery and I held hands, and he kissed me on the cheek.
"Let's head back to my house before anything else happens." Max told us.
"Agreed." I replied.
Thackery and I got up from the ground and we joined our friends back at the Dennison's house.

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