Set in Motion

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 "It's so good to have you back." 

     Thackery and I were sitting on the couch in the living room of the Dennison house. My head was against his chest and he was tenderly stroking my hair. The familiarness of his touch was comforting and everything felt okay again. 

  "We're finally together again," he beamed cutely. I kissed him on the cheek and he turned his head, kissing me on the lips. I hugged him, kissing him back. "Those hags will never keep us apart, no matter how hard they try." 

  He smiled, touching my face, "It's because of your courage that we are together, we defeated the witches." 

  I smiled and snuggled closer, "Was it lonely for you like it was for me?" we hadn't seen each other in three hundred years and for me it was like living in a void of darkness and sadness that seemed to last a lifetime. 

"It was," his blue eyes were full of sadness. "All those years I was hanging onto hope that somehow the spell would wear off and I would turn back into a human, but you saved me. You and our friends found me and saved me from the lifetime of loneliness I was about to endure." Thackery gently pulled my face closer to his. "You are my angel." we shared another blissful kiss. 

  All the happiness I longed for rushed back like a tidal wave, it was the most wonderful feeling I've felt in forever. Thackery was mine and I was his. I was incandescently happy. 

  Suddenly, our sweet moment was cut short when Dani started screaming in horror. Thackery and I immediately got up from the couch and ran up the stairs to Max's room. Max and Allison stood in fear, not knowing what to do. Allison was desperately shaking a can of salt in a circle for protection. 

My aunts were capturing Dani!

"Why are you three here?!" I screamed. "Thy little trick was well thought out, but not effective!" Aunt Winifred cackled with a wild look in her eyes. "We're not really dead! We're not really dead!" Aunt Sarah danced around in her insane manner. 

Just then my aunts suddenly realized Thackery wasn't a cat anymore. 

"Thou lifted our little spell? How?" Winifred studied Thackery with intrigue. "Using my light magic which none of you will ever understand." I stood up to the three hags. 

The witches laughed with cruelty, and Winnie held onto Dani and flew out the window, taking her with them. 

"Dani!" Max cried anxiously. I made my broom appear in my hand and I attempted to fly after them to retrieve Max's sister, but the witches were too fast. 

"Use thy voice Sarah, let thy song be heard towards the sky and lead the little brats to die!" Winnie's voice echoed in the night.

"Come little children

I'll take thee away

Into a land of enchantment

Come little children

The time's come to play

Here in my garden of magic." 

As I stayed flying in the air, I saw hundreds of kids walk mindlessly towards the direction of Sarah's singing. This was bad, because the poor children didn't know they were being led towards their deaths. 

We needed to act now! 

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