The Legends Are True

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  We followed the cat to the cemetery and Allison and Dani were confused as to why we were following a cat.
"Why are we going here?" Dani asked as we approached the cemetery.
"This is hallowed ground, witches can't set foot here." The cat told her. "He talks," Max said accepting the situation. 

 "Why can Destiny walk here?" Allison asked with confusion. "She practices the light side of magic and is full of goodness and purity." the cat told her. Was this cat Thackery? I wasn't sure what was real anymore after all I'd been through.

   Together, we walked through the cemetery and the cat led us to a headstone that said William Butcherson. 

"William Butcherson?" "Billy Butcherson was Winifred's lover, but she caught him sporting with her sister Sarah, so she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle so that he couldn't reveal her secrets even in death," the cat sighed. "Winifred was always the jealous type." 

Allison realized the identity of the cat, and so did I. 

"You're Thackery Binx." "Yes," he acknowledged. "So the legends are true." 

"Thackery?" I stepped forward. "Hello Destiny," he smiled. "Is it really you?" I asked with tears in my eyes. 

"Yes my love." he said warmly. 

"You know each other?" Dani asked, I had forgotten she wasn't too familiar with the stories.

"Yes, we were together three hundred years ago before my aunts violently ripped him away from me and changed him into a cat." I summarized what I had been going through along with Thackery. 

 "Her horrible aunts forbid us from being together and we had to sneak away to spend time together." 

"Kinda like Romeo and Juliet," Allison noted smiling. "Yes, but my Romeo was taken from me by my evil family while I lived forever, never aging." 

"I cast the immortality spell on myself so I would live while my aunts perished, and now that they're back." I looked throughout the souls laid to rest in the cemetery, innocent people who lost their lives because of the dark magic inflicted upon them. 

"I want to be there to see them perish again for what they put me and others through." 

Thackery led us to another headstone, and my heart sank when I saw that it was Emily's. "Because of me, my sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end so I could be reunited with my family. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life: I failed Emily but I wouldn't fail her again. When the three witches returned, I would be there to stop them. For three centuries I guarded the house to prevent some airhead from lighting the candle." he narrowed his neon green eyes at Max. 

"Nice going, airhead." Dani scolded. "Hey look, I'm sorry okay. It's three hags versus the twentieth century, how bad could it be?" Max was apologetic at first but then he didn't seem to think the situation was a big deal. 

"Bad," Thackery and I said at the same time. "Fire, brimstone, possible control of humanity," I added. 

Allison was trying to open the book, but Thackery intervened, "Stay out of there!" "Why?" "It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it." 

I nodded, "I've seen many horrific things come out of that book, it's nothing to mess around with." 

  "Let's torch  this sucker." Max picked up the spell book and dropped it on the ground with the lighter, ready to burn it. 

When the lighter reached the binding of the book, the flame moved backward. "I should've remembered." I started. 

"It's protected by magic." Thackery informed Max. 

  Just then, cackling erupted the silence, we looked up and we saw the Sanderson Sisters on their brooms flying in the air. It was a nightmarish sight. 

"It's just a bunch of hocus pocus!" Winnie cackled madly. "Leave us alone!" I yelled angrily. "Not until thou returns the book to us," she grinned in a way that reminded me of a feral animal. 

Aunt Winnie noticed Thackery glaring at her. "Thackery Binx thou mangy feline, still alive?" "And waiting for you." he snapped. "Thou will fail to save thy friends just as thou failed to save thy sister." her words cut Thackery like a knife; he hissed at her and she hissed back flying towards us. 

We ran to get away from the three witches. I remembered that I was able to make my broom appear at will. 

I spread my right hand and my silver broom appeared in my hand. I flew up into the air to protect my friends. 

  Aunt Sarah and Mary were flying towards me while Winifred was casting a spell on one of the headstones. 

"Come on little girl, use your magic to help us. We can teach thee everything thou needs to know." Mary persuaded. "Thou wilt be a powerful witch like Winnie." Sarah giggled. They were circling me in the air. 

  I pretended to consider their offer just to throw them off, but then I smiled determined, "I'd rather die than become like any of thee!" I screamed, I raised my hand and threw a ball of sparks at both witches and they flew away off balance from my spell. 

"Destiny!" Thackery called. "I'm coming!" I flew towards my friends and landed among them. Suddenly, we heard a loud groan and saw a zombie coming towards us. It was the corpse of my old school teacher Billy Butcherson. 

  We screamed in terror and made a run for it. Aunt Winnie must have brought him back from the dead to do her bidding. 

   Max fell behind to find a way to get rid of Billy for a minute to buy us some time. He used a long tree branch to knock Billy's head off. Then he caught up to us, and we were scrambling through the Salem Crypt to get to the downtown part of Salem. 

  It smelled horrendous down there. 

We stayed close together because we didn't know what could happen next and we didn't want to know.

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