The Contract

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     Hey guys, it's me again. I am so sorry that I haven't updated in a long while. Lots of crazy shit has happened. My parents and I are not on good terms, but to be honest I don't remember us ever being on good terms since I started living with them. AND I have a boyfriend now. He is super fun and caring. I bet Ya'll don't wanna hear all that...... SOO... Let's get back to the story, shall we? <3

    Levin's POV

1. Cuddle all the time (If we have time.)

2. Desert after dinner. (Chocolate cake)

3. Call me by my pet name (My Little Prince)

4. When having sex; choke

A. Spank

B. Ropes

C. Cuss like a sailor

D. Use safe words; Rose-good, Yellow- Okay, Black-STOP

5. Punishments:

A. Time-out (30 minuets)

B. Early bedtime

C. No deserts for one night (Depends how bad I, Levin, was/is)

D. No new stuffies (If Levin is in BIG trouble.)

Michael POV

I looked at the list, and I was a little surprised of what was on it. He was even willing to give up chocolate cake as a punishment. I did add some things as well.

1a. Levin must call me "Daddy" at all times

2a. Levin MUST TELL "Daddy" when something is bothering him (including his princess parts)

3a. Tell daddy when you want something or want to try something new. Like a role play.

4a. Sit on daddy's lap (including in public or at TheClub)

5a. Never ignore daddy's text or calls

6a. TELL DADDY WHEN YOU ARE sad, mad, tired, etc.

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