The Big Fight

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Listen to Hold On by Chord Overstreet on #SoundCloud

   Hey babies, I'm sorry that I haven't written in a long time. Life has been so crazy and I'm trying to be an adult! If you would like to help click the second link. The first one goes well with this story. Now let's get to the plot!

    After the whole fiasco, Micheal and I got into a fight. To be honest I don't really know how it started. I think it was because I didn't want to keep a body guard while I went to work.

    "Levin!" Micheal roared, "I just want you to be safe that's all. "

   "I know but I feel like I'm a baby. I don't want a babysitter while I'm just going to my friend's house Micheal." I yelled back.

    "You better watch your tone or I'm going to punish you." He said in a stern voice.

    All I remember is walking to our room and packing up some of my things in a suitcase. Then I practically ran down the stairs and to one of the cars he bought me. I drove all the way to Violet's house.

   I went up to her apartment and bang on the door.

    "Who the duck is there?" She yelled. Why is everyone yelling at me?

   "Bitch open up the door." I yelled back. I heard running and then the door opens.

    "Levin! Why are you here? Come in!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

    "I got in a fight with Micheal. After the whole fiasco at the bar, I never had a moment to myself. I can't even take a shit to myself without having a bodyguard watching me 24/7. I needed to get out of the house. Can I stay with you?

    "Of course you can stay with me! You never have to ask me. My apartment is always has room for you. Now let's get a movie and some food then you can tell me all about it.

Yes I'm going to end this chapter here. I didn't want to leave y'all in suspense any longer. If y'all want to see something happen just let me know and I'll try to put it into the plot!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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