16- Runaway

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Then a big man-hand pulled my shoulder. "What do you think you doing?" The voice said. I slowly turned around expecting Finn but it was Bellamy. " what? I'm Fine. Finn already changed the bandages. And I feel fine." I told him.
"Clarke said you shouldn't be up." He said, "let's get you back to the tent." He put his hands under my arms and pulled me to my feet. "Screw what Clarke said. I'm tired of staring at the top of my tent and counting the bugs." I told him with a sad face to convince him to let me stay out here. He stared at me, he was thinking about it. I think I convinced him. " Fine but you can't be doing any of the chores." He said, "I'm leaving for the day, so if you need something ask Finn."
"Wait where are you going?" He can't go back out there.
"Clarke and I are going to a bunker that is suppose to have stuff for the winter. I'll be back tonight." He turned around to leave.
I got up off the log, "I'm coming with you."
I said and started walking towards him. He stopped in his tracks when I said that. I kept walking past him. "Nova you can't. Your not well enough." He said but I ignored him. "I told you I'm fine." I went to my tent and grabbed a pack and headed back towards Clarke with Bellamy still behind me.When Clarke saw me her eyes widened, "You can't be up."
"Clarke I'm fine I promise I've had hours of rest and I made a brace for my leg."
Bellamy walked up behind me. "Tell her she can't go." He said to Clarke.
"Your not stopping me." I told him. I turned around towards him. "Your all I have left. You said it yourself. Murphy's gone and Charlottes dead. That leaves you. I can't lose you too." I told him and one tear fell down my cheek. I wiped it away fast and turned back towards Clarke. "So when we leaving?" I asked her.

They finally realized that I wasn't gonna quit and let me come. We started to leave towards the bunker and I kept looking in the trees for grounders. We hadn't seen one yet but it wasn't impossible. We walked for awhile. "Has the a grounder told you anything about Murphy?" I asked Bellamy. "I know you don't care about him I'm just curious."
He sighed, "no he hasn't said anything." He said. He didn't say another thing about the grounder for the rest of the trip. Him and Clarke fell behind me while Clarke had given me the map and I was leading. She handed him some Jobi nuts and they were both eating the Jobi nuts. I had some berries before we left and I wasn't that hungry. They were talking about something and Bellamy was acting weird. I slowed down just enough to hear what they were saying. All I heard is that Bellamy and the Chancellor weren't on good terms and Clarke told him he couldn't avoid it forever. My side was killing me and so was my leg but if I told them they would've been right at camp.

We reached the bunker and it was by a big pond. When Bellamy and Clarke reached me Bellamy seemed pissed off at Clarke. "Let's split up. Stay within shouting distance." He said and stormed off in the opposite direction. "What's up his butt?" I asked Clarke. "I don't know." She lied straight to my face. I walked off in search of the bunker door.

We searched for a few minutes when I heard Bellamy yell at us telling us he found the door. I started to walk over towards him and as I was walking I stepped into a big hole. "Nova?" Bellamy called to me. "I'm fine. I just fell." I said as I raised my arm in the air to let him know I was okay. I got up and a pain came from my side. I lifted up my shirt in secret and one of my stitches had came out. I looked through my bag for tape but I couldn't find any. I think Clarke as the first aid kit and I bet it has tape I just had to get it off of her. I put my shirt down and tried not to move my torso as much until I could get the tape.

I caught up with Clarke and Bellamy who were pulling at the door to open it. They sling it open and it leads to a dark path down some stairs. I walked past them and started walking down the stairs. There was a skeleton on the floor from someone who had died in here. "That's definitely not a bad omen." I said sarcastically to them following me. I kept going and found some glow sticks. I cracked them and handed some to Clarke and Bellamy. We looked through boxes and bags. But everything was gone and ruined. "They must've distributed everything before the last bomb." Clarke said. I opened up a box and found some blankets, "here are some blankets." I said. Bellamy gets upset because that's all we found. He kicks over a barrel of oil and when the barrel hit the ground something clattered inside it. Bellamy did a double take, I kneeled down beside the barrel and picked up some assault rifles. I looked back up at Bellamy and he had a smile as wide as his face. I handed him one and handed Clarke one. I tried to get back up but I couldn't. I was in so much pain I couldn't move. "Nova come try and shoot this." Bellamy said. "Oh I can shoot it. Clarke you try." I told her. Clarke stepped up towards Bellamy and put her bag a few feet away from me. Bellamy raised a red sheet and put a target in the middle. "Like this." He told her and aimed his gun and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. The bullet was a dud. "Bad bullet. Here we go." He does it again and it was another dud. I start to laugh. "Still waiting" , Clarke says with a smile and looks back at me. "You try yours." He says in embarrassment. As he's showing Clarke how to shoot the gun and grab Clarke bag from the floor beside me. I searched through it for tape. I found the first aid kit and stuffed the tape in my pocket, then I put the bag back. Clarke bullets rang throughout the bunker. "Your turn." Bellamy said.
"I'm good." I said from the floor. Bellamy walks over and lifte me to my feet. I wince in pain but at least I'm up now. I grab the gun from the barrel and start shooting the target. Bulls eye. Bellamy jaw drops. "Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" He asked me.
"Murphy and I used to watch the guards train. We would play guards when we were little." I said. I start to think about Murphy again but Clarke changes the subject. "We need to talk about where to keep the guns and who has access to them." She starts to talk about Miller and if we can trust him.
"You need to keep Miller close. He'll listen and he's loyal." He told us
"Why do we need to keep him close." Clarke asked him.
I looked at Bellamy full bag with too many rations. "Your gonna run away."

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