Chapter 57- Mothers

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Ethan was on his feet the minute he heard what his father had said. He wanted to object, but he couldn't. The deal he had made, his father had a condition as well.

"If Elana gets hurt under your supervision, I'll make sure it never happens again."

Ravinia was closer to their home, they could protect her better there and he knew it. His strength was laughable compared to his father and he knew it. Goddammit, he knew it.

He walked passed Edgar, bumping into him, his anger and frustration overpowering his fear and panic. He had lost. The grin his father sported spoke louder than any words that would've left his mouth afterwards.


He didn't turn back. Too ashamed to face his sister. If he hadn't been so weak. He was meant to protect her. In the end it was her who had protected him, frustrated, he threw his fist to the wall and felt something crack, whether it was a bone or the wall he'd find out later.

"I know I didn't teach you that."

His eyes snapped up and met the icy light-blue eyes of his mother. Her tall hair was dyed white, originally being a raven black, anything to fit in he guessed. Wouldn't want to end up like him.

"You didn't teach me, period."


She did teach Ethan, it was her who gave him his earlier education, to ensure that if someone had seen in the mansion he would atleast have the proper etiquette and not embarrass their house even more.

Her lips tilted upwards as she walked closer to the boy. Her heels clicking with every step. Ethan felt his heartbeat race along in time with the sound.

She wore a pantsuit that accentuated her body, matching with her husband who dressed as if he would have a business meeting at any moment.

Her fingers ghosted over his cheek and he sunk him nails into his palms to not lean into her touch. It was so inviting, but he knew better.

She's just like him Ethan. Don't fall for it.

Was she?

"My baby" Realizing Ethan would never seek her comfort, she pressed her hand to his cheek, making the boy gulp at the tender hold she had on him. "My boy."

He wanted to hate the way she said 'boy' as well, but couldn't bring himself to. He longed for that parental love that she could provide.

"I am not your son. You both made that clear." She flinched back, like he had struck her with his words and he saw an emotion flicker in her eyes, he could only describe it as guilt.

Good. Feel guilty. You deserve that.

He went to walk away but her hand clasped his arm, stopping him in place.


"No." He shrugged his arm away and walked off, not seeing how her eyes watered as she watched her boy walk away from her.

She knew she hadn't been the best mother, but hopefully she could mend the relationship with her son. She didn't believe in the mage discrimination that their house had, but she couldn't go against her husband, not publicly.


Eli, Javier, Aurum and Zeke sat in an uncomfortable, tense air in his hotel room.

Zeke hadn't seen Ethan since yesterday and his chest felt funny, he opted to rubbing it every two minutes, an action that didn't go over anyone's head except Aurum who was currently eating his lunch seated in Eli's lap, as he yawned, sleepy.

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