THREE: good, good, bad news

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In a few more seconds, her routine would come to an end and she was going to be able to think straight again. The hardworking girl's day began with her training session with her coach as she believed that the earlier they train, the better their results. Meiyon, also carried that mindset. It only explains why she and her coach linked so well together.

"Meiyon, take a break." Coach Yoon called out from the sidelines with a folder in her hand.

Stepping off the ice, Meiyon accepted the water her coach offered before sitting down on the bench. Giving the girl a few moments to think before speaking, Meiyon's mind only ran through her routine and what she could've done to perform even better.

"You look stressed." Coach Yoon commented. "Is HYBE treating you that poorly?"

"Quite the opposite." Meiyon chuckled before taking another sip.

As the two of them chatted about her progress, it was about time to bring up some news that may shock the female figure skater quite a bit.

"I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?" Coach Yoon began.

"I want to say bad, but I'm going to go with good first."

"I've signed you up for a solo competition happening in a month. I know it's sudden but do credit me for managing to sign your name up. Almost lost a limb fighting with other coaches."

Meiyon's expression instantly lit up, as if she had just heard the best news in her life. Perhaps, it could be considered one of the best for there was nothing else more in the world she liked more than competitions. As if the universe was also on her side, she has already been practising another routine beforehand thus time should not be an issue.

"So...what's the bad news?" Meiyon's expression instantly dropped. "You're deceiving me aren't you?"

"Nope. It's just that i will be away during that period."

It was in fact bad news. What was Meiyon going to do without her coach's guidance? She was new to the team and new to the whole contract (despite the same coach), who was se going to go to for constructive criticism? At first, she was in distress but eventually understood when she realised it was inevitable for Coach Yoon to prioritise her family first.

"But, again I do have good news."

"You told me that already?" Meiyon gave her a look of perplexity.

"No, a second one." the coach smiled. "I was able to find a qualified person to help you out. He's very experienced and best of all, your age!"

Her age? How could Meiyon rely on someone her age? She too had a lot of experiences so what difference would it make for Meiyon to just learn by herself? Might as well teach herself everything. Sceptical of her coach's decision, she tried to stay as hopeful as possible.

"I'm pretty sure you know him. You two share the same classes." The coach smiled ear to ear.

Oh no.
It couldn't be . . .

"She wouldn't know." A voice from behind suddenly added itself to the conversation. "She sleeps during the lecture."

If there was one voice that she could never not recognise, it would be his.

Such a judgemental tone.

Such an attractive voice.

"Well, my bad, genius." Meiyon scoffed upon meeting eyes with the prettiest orbs she's ever seen. She didn't like how good-looking he was, let alone the little features that shaped his visuals. What a waste of potential for someone so rude.

Between the three of them, the only one happy was the coach who insisted on the two of them to introduce each other, even if they were aware of each other's presence already.

Meiyon, meet Sunghoon.
Sunghoon, meet Meiyon.

Under the pressure of the strict coach, they both ended up exchanging phone numbers, even if they hated each other's guts already. Business was business and they were advised to act professionally. Neither of them liked the idea but what could they do? Although she would trade life for not working with him, her coach was right. She shouldn't let any of her personal feelings get in her way.

Who would've predicted that in a span of one week from the rude encounter to the realisation of his presence, she would be once again, standing face to face with him where they first met? However, no longer strangers, they were now a team.

"Remember kids, you two are a team now. Sunghoon train her well but do treat her as a friend. Meiyon, behave and listen. I know you will do so well and text me if you need anything." Coach Yoon patted both their backs before exiting the centre.

Now that there were only the two of them, Meiyon was able to drop her friendly act. Pretending was never something she was good at.

"Your two-faced nature."

"Pardon?" Sunghoon smirked playfully knowing damn well what she meant.

"You out of everyone," Meiyon muttered under her breath before stepping away. However, she didn't get far until he called her out again.

"Do you have a tendency for leaving your things behind?" He chuckled dryly as he watched her awkwardly turn back to collect her skate guards.

Before she began to walk away again, her thoughts came out of her words.

"I'm not looking forward to working with you." She forced a smile.

"The feelings are mutual."

"I'm surprised you haven't addressed me rudely yet." She rolled her eyes.

"Rude? That's not in my dictionary." Sunghoon shrugged innocently.

"Yeah, you're full of crap."

"Be nice princess, we're going to be stuck with each other for a while." He walked towards her only to poke her forehead. Catching her by such shocking action, she froze for too long for he had already left.

From being the one walking away to the one being walked away from.

Meiyon still couldn't believe her eyes or her ears.

Park freaking Sunghoon.


cold fingers :<

- L

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