TWENTY-FOUR: unsual ideal type

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"Did you develop a new obsession?" Meiyon looked over her laptop to the man sitting in front of her.

"Elaborate?" Sunghoon smiled innocently despite knowing exactly what she meant.

"With me." She rolled her eyes as her eyes went back to her studies.

"It's not new." He shrugged.

Meiyon wasn't sure if she had heard him right. Perhaps her lack of sleep due to it being finals week was finally catching up to her.

There was no way Sunghoon, a nonchalant man on the outside and ... right he was quite teasing on the inside. But Meiyon was still not convinced he meant it.

"Right." Meiyon began typing out on her laptop whilst multitasking with their conversation. "It's because Coach Yoon said to spend some more time together."

There could be no other reason.

"Partially." Sunghoon nodded his head as if it was his intention all along.

Ever since the conversation between Sunoo and Meiyon about her potential interest in Mr Mysterious, Sunghoon has been stuck to her like a glue. Perhpas he was curious as to who she would be so interested in to the point of driving such a calculated girl into dilemma.

In addition to her personality trait, he was also curious as to how she spends her week besides studying and skating. So far, alll she has been doing is exactly what he had assumed; studying and skating.

However, despite not knowing who she liked, he still enjoyed following her around like a lost puppy waiting to be adopted.

Unexpected, never in a million year did Sunghoon think he would be he one following her around for it had always been the other way throughout his life.

New yet intriguing because it was her.

"How many exams left do you have left?" Meiyon smoothly changed the topic as she began flipping through her textbooks.

Sunghoon was surprised at how well focused she was even when chatting.

"Only one." Sunghoon replied. "One of my easy elective so not too stressed."

"Lucky you. I have like three left." Meiyon sighed as if she gave up on finding a specific topic in he textbooks.

"Don't fret. You'll do fine." Sunghoon encouraged.

Just as Meiyon was about to speak, he had already assumed what she was going to say. Being with her for so long, it was quite easy to decipher her next sentence.

"You'll be more than fine." Sunghoon chuckled. "Topping the cohort."

"I hope so." Meiyon laughed despite it beiing he entire intention.

She had to. Not only for academic validations, but also to prove a point.

That she is almost almost perfect; flawless.

"It's getting quite late. Shouldn't you get something to eat." Meiyon asked upon looking at the time. They have been in the library for almost 4 hours.

"Same goes for you." Sunghoon began packing his laptop away. "I told you, you need to eat more."

"You don't have any reservations tonight?"


"Your girlfriend? Or fan? I dont know. Second place girl." Meiyon felt embarassed bringing her up.

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