Chapter 13 - Scott Lansky

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*A few months later at Jenn Haines Hospital ER*

Claire Kinsley's POV

"Patient got hit by a car, he is unconscious with heavy bleeding on his head and superficial injuries on both arms and limbs," The nurse reported to me after wheeling in a bloodied patient.

"Alright, send him for a CT scan for any internal bleeding," I instructed the nurses.

Thankfully, the injuries that the patient sustained weren't severe, so his life is not in critical condition after I attended to him. The moment I walked out of the surgical theatre, a middle-aged woman who held her a little boy in her arms flustered up to me in distress as she asked, "Doctor, how's the condition of the man inside?"

"And you are?" I had to check on her identity before divulging information of the patient to her.

The woman explained her identity to me as she recounted the event, "Oh I'm the one who sent the patient in. This morning, my son accidentally dropped his ball onto the road, he nearly got hit by a car while trying to retrieve it, thankfully this man came in time to save him from the hit but he got hit instead..." I could see how traumatised she is as she started tearing with a guilt-stricken look. Her son in her arms started crying out loud too.

I pacified both of them immediately by reassuring them, "Don't worry, the surgery went well and the patient's condition is stabilised."

The woman thanked me profusely upon hearing it, "That's great to know, thank you so much, doctor!"

"You're welcome, it's my job. The patient will need some time before he regains conscious from anaesthesia. We will give you a call once he is awake," I informed the woman before she left off with her child.

I felt honoured to have saved the life of a saviour today, after all, it is rare for anyone to be this selfless and self-sacrificing in today's society.

"Hey Annie, did you managed to contact anyone from this patient's family?" I approached one of the nurses on duty as I handed the patient's file over to her.

"Hi Dr Kinsley, I tried to search for his ID but he came in with no trace of any personal belongings that can help identify him, so I guess we can only get the police to come in and run a check of his identity for us," Annie reported to me.

"Alright, we will keep an eye on him," I instructed before leaving.

*The next morning*

A flock of female nurses gathered right outside the ward and I could sense the elation they held from a distance as I made my way to the ward for my rounds.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked one of the nurses, Annie, as I approached the crowd.

"Hey Dr Kinsley, remember the bloodied patient that you saved yesterday?"

"Yea?" I replied, feeling baffled about why she mentioned him.

"Turns out he is a freaking hot dude!" Nancy replied with a jaw-drop moment of exhilaration, almost hyperventilating as though she had struck a lottery.

After a quick scan, I realised she wasn't the only one that was man crazy. There were just loads of blushing, gushing, chirping and gasping amongst them, they were obviously bewitched. Upon a closer look at the direction that they had their gaze fixated on, I immediately understood why they were all so smitten by him.

Indeed, the flare shone in from the window dusted softly over his perfectly chiselled features as if his soul shines through his skin. His tight jaw was an angular shape filled with little stubbles. He had tousled dark brown hair which was thick and lustrous.

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