Chapter 30 - The Farewell Kiss

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*Claire Kinsley's POV*

Ever since I learnt of that devastating news, I have decided not to reveal to Liam that I know of the truth nor did I want to let him know of my pregnancy. I didn't want to tax him with more stress at this point of time and deter him from going ahead with the surgery. He is a man who has a mind of his own, I respect his wish.

Somewhere deep in me decided to gamble and took a leap of faith, I choose to believe that he would make it, otherwise... I would have lost all sanity. I was prepared to wait for him, no matter how long it takes for him to come back to me.

That night I stood outside Liam's apartment and waited for him.

"Liam!" I called out to him.

His face turned straight as he dismissed me as usual, "We've nothing else to say."

"No!" I grabbed onto his arm.

"Please... I understand and I respect your wish. But can I... can I just have this one last kiss from you as a closure for us? I promise I won't pester you anymore..." I begged him.

He turned around and his gaze finally softened. He was still seemingly hesitant of my request, but I was clear of what I was here for. I locked my hands on the sides of his face and pulled him towards me for a kiss.

Our lips finally met once more, both full of affection, so convincing that it cannot be deceived.

I love him and so does he.

When we pulled away from each other, the lingering desire to not let him go stirred strongly in me. I studied his face and embraced every last bit of warmth I could felt from him.

God... please let him stay by my side forever, please...

"It's late now, you should go..." He batted his eyes away from me.

But we both know, we don't want to leave each other.

"Liam... no matter what happens, never give up. I'll always be here for you," I breathed out and then I turned to leave before my tears came rolling down in front of him.

*The day of the surgery*

"Claire? Why are you here?" My mother gasped upon the sight of me outside the surgical theatre.

"I knew about everything... I was there at home when he told you the truth," I said.

"Oh, lord..." My mother exasperated.

"Mom... I won't forsake him, at least not in this life," I said.

"He wouldn't have wanted this..." My mother sighed heavily.

"I'm pregnant... with his child," I divulged the news to my mother.

"What? Did he knew about it?!" My mother blinked hard.

"No... I didn't tell him, I didn't want to stress him up. Besides, I want to have his child, it's the only thing left for me to keep me sane if he were to ever leave me," The emotions built up in me once more, leaving my eyes wet with tears.

"He will be alright... he will be," My mother pulled me into her embrace and comforted me.

After hours of waiting, Liam was finally wheeled out of the theatre. A heaviness that weighed on our hearts were lifted when the surgeon informed us about the success of the surgery. However, how long Liam would take to wake up from this coma remains unknown, it is all dependent on the individual.

Right now, as long as he is still alive and breathing, nothing else matters.

I believe he is a fighter, he will make it.

That night, I sat by his bed and brought his hand to my tummy as I said gently to him, "Liam, this is your child right here... you're going to be a father. Promise me, promise me that you come back to us. I know you can do it..."

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