Chapter 20 - The Saviour

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*Claire Kinsley's POV*

I have not seen Liam ever since that day. As days passed, I began to feel helpless towards Scott. The only comfort I could give is to spend time with him as a form of mental support.

It was yet another heavy day when I visited Scott's ward, but to my horror, he was no longer at his bed. My heart plunged heavily upon the realisation of his absence. I ran to the counter to quickly check with the nurses on his whereabouts. Praying hard in my mind that he wasn't gone for good.

The nurse on shift ran through the record and said, "Mr Lansky has been wheeled in for surgery just this morning, he hasn't been out yet."

Surgery? Liam isn't doing it for him, who else could it be? Did Scott just bet his life in the hands of a random surgeon?

I dashed my way to the surgical theatre and saw Gabriella outside the surgical theatre pacing back and forth with a worrisome brood that weighed heavily on her face.

"Gabriella, what's happening?!" I asked, still panting from my mad dash earlier on.

"I just came to know this morning that Liam has arranged for Scott's surgery. I'm so thankful that he has finally agreed to do this surgery for Scott, but they are still not out yet. I'm really worried about how the surgery is going..." Gabriella explained still locked with a worrisome brood over her face.

The veil of heaviness that weighed on my spirits was instantly lifted upon learning that Liam has finally agreed to save Scott. I was relieved and elated that the Liam I love is still the man I knew and he has given Scott a chance to live.

Then Dr Carter came by and called out to me, "Dr Kinsley, aren't you going to the observatory room to observe Dr Craig's surgery? I heard that this surgical case of tumour removal is especially a tricky one, so our hospital has arranged for cancer specialist doctors to observe this surgery after the patient has given the hospital consent to do so. This is really a good opportunity for us to learn, I really think you should come along with me to the observatory room now."

Of course, I agreed without hesitation and made my way to the observatory room.

Upon reaching there, the room was already filled with doctors who were fervently discussing about the surgery as they observed the process. Some were doubtful of Liam's capability, while some had confidence in him, while I just kept praying in my mind for a smooth and successful surgery throughout the whole process. It was nerve-wracking to see two people whom I care so dearly being placed in this situation.

Then, one of the doctors started making a snide remark about Liam, "Does he really thinks he is a genius? Do all of you really think a newbie heart specialist turned into a medical research sensation figure can really just jump in and pull off in the cancer field too? This is just ridiculous."

Amidst the commotion, one of the doctors retorted, "If you think you're better, why aren't you the one doing the surgery?"

That immediately made him kept his mouth to himself as he stomached the humiliation.

Liam performed consistently steady throughout the surgery. As I watched him, I felt guilty to have maligned his integrity as a doctor.

Everyone rejoiced when the tumou

r was successfully removed. Despite the weary look of fatigue worn on the faces of the surgical team, the brightened spark of relieving joy in their eyes was evident when the tumour was successfully removed.

Just when all of us had our guards down, Scott's pressure started dropping drastically, within seconds his pulse just went dead. Everyone falls silent as we held our breath in shock when the flat beep sound ringed annoyingly in our ears. I held my hands over my gasp, refusing to believe that this was the end as I choked back on my outburst of emotions that were threatening for a release.

Liam immediately defibrillated Scott, but it was to no avail. Liam tried it for another time, but Scott's pulse was still not recovered.

Some doctors in the room started shaking their heads and began concluding in their exasperation, "That's a goner for sure."

Even the surgical team seemed to have their confidence and faith shaken entirely. Only Liam, only him who still had his unwavering faith in bringing Scott back to life.

Liam held his head above water and commenced CPR on Scott, while he instructed the team to start on the resuscitation procedure.

He continued to compress Scott's chest relentlessly as he shouted at him with much assertion, "Come on, Scott! Come on! Don't you dare die! Don't you dare make her sad! You hear me?!"

Somehow, in everyone's eyes, they seemed taken aback by Liam's emotional performance in the surgical theatre for the first time. Despite Liam's persistence effort, most just seem to have given up on Scott as the flat beep sound continued ringing in our ears.

"Dr Craig... Dr Craig! Please stop!" A few of his surgical team member tried to stop Liam from continuing with the resuscitation, thinking that he had gone baloney.

"What are you doing?! Keep pumping!!" Liam roared at his team to get back on their resuscitation procedures as he continued to compress Scott's chest. His face was flushed red with perspiration formed across his forehead.

Then miraculously, a beeping sound ensued as Scott finally regained his pulse!

I let out a deep breath of relief, still feeling shaky from the roller coaster of emotion. Everyone was flabbergasted at the miracle that Liam has made. Liam exhaled a deep breath out as he retreated and sat against the wall. Clearly, not only was he exhausted and drained, the whole surgical team too. While we clapped and cheered with the utmost respect for the saviour of the day, the whole surgical team were still shaking from what happened but the joy in their eyes was evident from their welled up tears.

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