Chapter 24 - The Jealousy Game

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*Claire Kinsley's POV*

I woke up to the morning to the swoon of sizzling breakfast. I rubbed my eyes and realised Liam wasn't in my room anymore. I sat up and that's when my memory traced back to what happened last night. I have never slept this soundly before until being in Liam's embrace.

I curdled myself in my blanket at the thought of it and I realised there were traces of Liam's scent on it.

I snugged my face against the blanket and indulged with a few deep sniffs sheepishly. I know I seem sick doing so, but honestly, no ladies can say no to this man's scent.

After washing up, I rushed down the stairs with much anticipation to see Liam. There he was sitting at the dining table, with three plates of delicious-looking breakfast decked on the table.

I cleared my throat and greeted him with much delight from the stairs, "Good morning, Liam."

However, there was no response from him, in fact, he seem to be in a trance as he stared blankly into space and then he raised his hand against his lips, brushing it before he smiled to himself.

Gotcha! I bet he was thinking about our kiss in the car yesterday. My heart squirmed once again at how cute he was.

I cleared his throat once more as I sat across him and that was when he realised my presence.

"Oh good morning, Claire. Here, I made you breakfast." He said in a flustered manner.

"What were you thinking just now? You seem deep in thoughts, I called you earlier on, but you didn't respond," I purposely asked him.

"Oh nothing, I probably just didn't hear you." He brushed my concern off casually.

"Really? I thought I saw you smiling to yourself just a moment ago?" I continued to question him because it was amusing to see him this uptight.

"Was I?" He raised his brows and tried to act blur.

He is such a bad liar.

"Did you sleep well last night?" He asked me as he picked up his cup of hot coffee to drink.

"Oh yea, I almost forgot to thank you for coming to my rescue last night. I wouldn't have slept well if not for you. Last night was probably the best sleep I ever had, I think rubbing your finger last night amazingly helped to soothe me to sleep real quick," I said as I munched off the delicious breakfast.

That was when Liam suddenly spurted his coffee halfway through drinking.

"Oh my gosh, are you alright?" I quickly scooted over to Liam's side as I handed the napkin to him while he fanned his scalded lips.

"I'm alright," He winced.

"No, you're not, let me take a look!" I locked his face with my hands as I closely examined his lips. I blew anxiously against his lips to cool the scalded part.

"Thank god, your lips are ok, you should still run it under the water though," I said to him as I continued to blow against his lips.

That was when I realised he has been looking intently at me. My pouted lips froze in frame at those intensely penetrative eyes of his.

He leaned his face closer to mine and I knew we wanted to taste each other lips so badly again.

I closed my eyes and waited for that magical moment to be bestowed upon me once more but my mother just had to pop out at this untimely moment.

"Oh,lord!" She gasped and we pulled away from each other immediately.

"Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you two, please continue!" My mother exhilarated.

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