chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Chamber of Secrets

My maniacal lovelies, welcome back. This is the chapter you have all been waiting for. Tom is making his entrance how ever short it is. I hope it is up to your standards and if not, my apologies.

I also had someone mention that Ginny should realize that her drawings are fading, I never thought of that. I have four sketch books full and I never look back at my sketches, so if one or two disappeared I never would notice. I put a bookmark in the next clean page and just go from there. I based her book like mine. Sorry if I confused anyone.

I do not own any part of Harry Potter.





Chapter 19 – Chamber of Secrets

Yule came seeing the Pack back to their homes. Harry spent most of it with his aunt, cousin, and Snape. Both Harry and Dudley had shared smirks and grins with each interaction Petunia and Snape had. It looked like the two adults were attracted to each other and the boys were just waiting for one to tell the other and start the courting process. Harry liked the idea of them together and Dudley wanted his mother to be happy. McGonagall had stopped by for the first two days of break but had to leave to go see her own children and grandchildren. She was sent off with well wishes and a few presents from them.

Harry had given Dudley a pair of high quality boxing gloves as his aunt had gotten him a boxing bag. He got his aunt a pair of gold and topaz earrings. He had given Snape a copy of Salazar's beginner's potion book, after Salazar gave him permission. McGonagall had gotten a copy of Rowena's poetry book, after Rowena also gave him permission. Those gifts were easy to think of.

Harry had spent many hours thinking over what to get for each member of his Pack. In the end he had decided on a book on healing for Hermione as she was showing an interest and a box of gourmet chocolate. For Draco he found a pair of silver snake cuffs and a box of assorted hard to find potion ingredients. Neville was simpler, he found a couple of Muggle plants that Neville never hear of and a bag of Muggle gummy bears. The twins were harder but he had found them a book of pranks through the ages and a book of assorted muggle prank objects. Luna was the easiest to buy for as he had seen her looking at a necklace in one of his shopping catalogs. The necklace was a simple little silver chain and a pendant with runes all over it. It was a protection amulet for seers. With that he also sent her a small set of blacken silver senbons from the muggle world. Ginny was the last he bought for. He got her pair of braided silver and gold hair pins and a pair of daggers with hip sheath.

As for gifts he had received, he got many chocolates and books from his Ravens and Snakes. Petunia got him a second set of throwing knives and a three book set on weapon training. Dudley got him a new Muggle book written by a criminal profiler on what makes women become killers. Snape gave him the Prince heir ring. McGonagall gave him an advanced book on runes and rituals. Draco sent him a small box that can hold up to 50 different phials with the Pack's Celtic wolf burned onto the lid. Hermione got him a wand holder for his wrist and a collection of Muggle cinnamon candies. Luna had found him a book of creatures that are real but never seen. The twins sent him a sampler box of some of their products and some mice for Amara and Hedwig. Ginny sent him a box of cinnamon chocolates and a small toy for Nightshade. Neville sent him an album of both their parents at school and of both of them at play dates, their parents in the background.

What truly surprised Harry was a letter he received from Samuel Carter. The boy he had beat to become Ravenclaw king. He had graduated the last year but wanted to make sure Harry knew that he followed Harry even now that he was out of school. He had gotten a job in the Ministry of Magic. He had learned of Harry plan to help make changes for the better from one of his friends and wanted to know how he could help. Harry had been astonished. A letter to Draco had this confirmed as truth, he told Samuel to learn all he could and meet with him the last day of Yule break. He had also sent letters to his Pack asking them to come over two days before break ended. They all sent confirmations back with Hedwig.

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