Meeting her Parents

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Sorry for the long wait! University and work are keeping me busy. Here is a new imagine. Hey hope you enjoy it. Who is ready for Dickinson season 3? 🙋🏻‍♀️

Y/n's POV

Today was the day that I finally meet Hailee's family. I was more nervous than ever. I was up since 7 am starring at my ceiling thinking about later. Hailee was dead asleep next to me. I really wanted them to like me. I was actually afraid they wouldn't. I love Hailee way to much to lose her over her family's opinion about me. I know how much they mean to her. I went over different bad scenarios in my head and I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear Hailee calling my name. "Bub, you alright", she asked caressing my cheek. "Mmh", I replied. "Why are you up? It's like 8.30 am", she questioned. "Can't sleep", I told her. She pulled me into her arms. "You know you can speak to me about whatever is occupying your pretty mind whenever you want. I will listen, ok", she spoke. I smiled a little. "I know", I told her. I felt her kiss the crown of my hair. We laid in silence for a while. Her heartbeat comforted me in a way. "Do you think they will like me", I whispered. "Who", Hailee asked. "Your family", I mumbled kind of embarrassed that I was afraid of meeting them. I mean they are just people in the end but still terrifying. When Hailee showed me a picture of them and I saw the muscular man that was her father I almost shit my pants. This dude can throw me out of his house with his pinky finger. "Of course, baby. You are the nicest, most beautiful, kindest and best person I've ever met. Believe me they will love you", she reassured me. I kind of felt a little better. "Thanks", I replied snuggling closer to her. "I love you. You don't have to be scared", she whispered. "I love you, too", I said.
Time was flying by very quickly and soon I found myself in their driveway. I felt my heartbeat quicken and my hands started shaking. "Baby, it'll be alright. I'm here and I won't leave no matter what. I love you with all my heart", Hailee told me grabbing both my hands in hers caressing them. I nodded. I gave her a quick peck. "I love you, too", I mumbled. She grinned and pulled me closer to her by my shirt. "That was way to short", she mumbled against my lips before connecting hers with mine once again. What was intended to be a sweet kiss turned into passion. She deepened the kiss and soon our tongues battled against each other. I pulled her on my lap gripping her hips tightly. "Hey, no car sex", we got interrupted by a loud knock on the window. Hailee screamed while I almost suffered a heart attack. "Griffin, you idiot", Hailee yelled and opened the door. I saw the black haired man laughing his butt off. "Why am I not invited to the fun", a deeper voice asked. My head snapped to the elderly Steinfeld. Hailee jumped out of the car. "Dad", she yelled jumping in his arms. "Hey, little one", he greeted her hugging her close. I got out of the car shutting the door. I stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. "So where is the girl you wanted to meet us", her Dad asked. Hailee grinned from ear to ear walking towards me. She grabbed my hand. "Well, here she is", she said. "Nice to meet you, Sir", I greeted her dad holding out my hand. He looked at me with his Pokerface for a few seconds. "There are two rules, one never and I mean never call me Sir again that makes me sound old and second if you hurt my daughter I will hurt you at least twice as hard, got it. "Yes, S-Sir. I-I mean Peter", I stuttered intimated by the big muscled man. "Dad, stop that", Hailee told him smiling. He just shrugged and smiled at his daughter. "What?! Your my daughter and I'm just telling her how it is", he replied. I saw my girlfriend rolling her eyes. "But, enough of that. Let's get inside", her dad spoke and we went inside. When I stepped inside I already smelled food. It looked all so cozy. On the walls in the hallway were pictures. Mostly of Hailee and her brother. From when they were kids to recent. I smiled looking at a young Hailee who proudly showed her missing tooth. "Oh sweetheart", I heard her mum announce. "Hey mum", my girlfriend greeted her with a hug. "And you must be the girl my daughter talks about all the time", she spoke looking at me. I blushed a little. She greeted me with a hug. "Nice to meet you and thank you for the invite", I told her. "No problem. Food is almost ready. Is there anything you would like to drink", Cheri questioned. "Water is fine. Is there anything I could help you with", I asked her. "Don't worry. You're the guest but Griffin you could help me carry some stuff", she spoke smiling. "Really it's no problem. I could just-", I tried to help again. "You heard the boss, Y/n", Peter said and I just let it go. Hailee brought me to the table. I offered her a chair letting her sit. I let myself down next to her. A few seconds later Griffin and Cheri bought the food and we started to eat. "It's really good, Cheri. Did you put some oregano in it", I asked her taking another bite. "Thank you. Yes! Yes, I did", she said smiling brightly. "Y/nn does the cooking. She is really good. Next time, we should do it at her place and she can cook my favorite pasta", Hailee spoke. "That would be lovely", Cheri said. "I tried teaching Hailee but she is a real expert at letting stuff burn", her mom told me. I chuckled. "You don't have to tell me", I replied smirking. "Hey, how dare you", Hailee whined. We giggled. "It's ok, Haiz. You can't be good at everything", I told her smiling. "So Y/n, what do you do for work", Peter asked me. "I work at a coffee shop half time to pay my tuition fee", I told him. "You go to college", he questioned. "Yes, I study law. I got my first degree already. I'm currently working on getting my second one at Stanford", I replied. He looked surprised. "How old are you", Cheri asked. "23. I finished High School earlier and went straight to college", I spoke. "You want to work as a lawyer then or", Cheri questioned. "Yes, I actually want to work in the music industry helping artists with their contracts and the copyright law", I told them. "Y/nn, was actually one out of 5 who got a 4.0 GPA in her first degree ", Hailee excitedly said. "So you're like really smart", Griffin spoke. "No, I don't think so", I replied. "Don't talk it down. She is smart. Very smart. She actually got a scholarship from Stanford", Hailee informed them. "Well, that's impressive", Peter said. I blushed a little bit not knowing what to say.
The dinner was nice. I had a lot of fun. Hailee's family was actually kind of hilarious. They told me embarrassing stories of Hailee when she was younger and we just a had a great time. Soon the clock hit 1 am and it was time to go.
"Thank you for the dinner. It was delicious", I told Cheri hugging her. "It was no problem. Next time you need to cook. Hailee got me so excited about your cooking skills", Cheri spoke. "I promise I will", I told her. I said goodbye to Griffin and her dad who once again told me to be careful to not hurt his daughter. We went to my car. I opened the door for Hailee and then got in myself. We waved them goodbye and drove home. "That was so much fun", I spoke smiling. "I told you they will like you", Hailee said. I glanced at my girlfriend. "I love you", I spoke. She smiled. "I love you, too", she replied. "I'm really happy I spilled your iced coffee", I told her. She laughed. "I'm happy too you were such a klutz", she replied. We chuckled. We got home and changed into our Pyjamas. We laid in bed cuddling on another. "Good night, bub. I live you", Hailee said. "Night, Baby. I love you too", I replied closing my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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