Family first?!

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I was looking at the clock - 8 pm. Hailee was supposed to be here an hour ago. I heard crying. Ugh not again. It's the third time our daughter woke up in the past 2 hours. I sighed going upstairs to her room. "Hey lil Mama", I said quietly and she stopped crying. Her big brown eyes looked at me. I picked her up and her small fingers went around my pointer finger. "What's up, hmm", I asked her. I whipped away her tears. "It's late. Why are you still awake", I asked her and she broke out into a grin. A grin that I knew too much. Hailee has the same. Her dimples always showing in the progress. I smiled at our 6 months. "Do you miss Mama", I asked her and her eyes looked around trying to find Hailee. I sighed. I was tired and Hailee promised to come home earlier. Actually she promised that the past few weeks but nothing has happened. I grabbed my daughters favorite stuffed animal. An elephant to be exact. She got it from her grandparents. She reached for it and smiled at me. I went down sitting on the couch knowing she will not go to sleep anytime soon. "I swear you are a night owl just like Hailee", I mumbled. She started bubbling. An hour passed and still no sign of my girlfriend. I started to get mad. We promised family comes first before everything. I always was patient and supportive when it came to Hailee's job but at that moment I had enough. She at least could have texted me. I looked at the clock. 9.30 pm. Just fucking great! My eyes went down to my daughter who was already half asleep. I started swaying her gently walking around the living room. I hummed a little to make her fall asleep faster. Just like Hailee she was obsessed with music. Half an hour later I put her into her crib. "Goodnight, princess. I love you. Your Mama, too", I whispered placing a kiss on her forehead. I put the blanket over her small body and quietly made my way out. I breathed out in relief. I heard keys jiggling and the front door opening. I went down the stairs. "Heey, baby", my girlfriend greeted me with a little smile. "Don't hey babe me Hailee Steinfeld", I told her trying to be as quiet as possible. "Listen I-", she started but I cut her off. "No, you listen. Do you know what time it is", I asked her angry. "I know-", she started again. "No! Hailee you were supposed to be here 3 hours ago. You fucking promised", I hissed. "Baby, I know and I'm super sorry. We got lost in writing and- ", she spoke reaching out for my hands but I moved away. "Got lost in writing?! Hailee, this is not the first time! The past weeks this happened", I told her. "It won't happen again. I promise. I'm sorry", she said and made a step towards me. "No, you said that the last few weeks. I'm tired of that. I quit my job to raise our daughter and we promised each other that our family would come first. But I don't see you even trying to help me out here", I rambled. She hang her head low. "Please Y/n, I'm just going to work tomorrow and then I'm free", she spoke. "Unfuckingbelievable. Do you know what tomorrow is", I asked her. "Uhm Thursday", she responded uneasy. "No, you promised to watch our daughter the whole day so I can spend some time with my mom Christmas shopping", I told her louder than I intended. "Oh shit, yeah. I did. Can't you do this Friday. I'm home there", she tried. "What about our daughter, huh? I don't want her to grow up with just one parent! Now she is little but what about when she gets older? What should I tell her? Oh your Mama loves her job more than her own family but hey at least you see her once a week. That's awesome", I told her sarcastically. "I'm sorry. I really am", she spoke quietly. She pulled me into her. I smelled the familiar perfume and relaxed a little. "I will call in and say I can't work, ok", she whispered. Sometimes I disliked myself for giving in so quickly. But what can I say I love that woman way too much. "This needs to change, Haiz", I mumbled into her neck. "I know. I talk to my team about it. I take her Thursdays and Fridays and on Saturday or Sunday we do something. Just the three of us. I promise. And this time I won't break it", she said and kissed my head. I nodded. "Let's get you into bed", she whispered and interlaced our fingers. "Did you eat already", I asked her. "Sshhh don't worry about me now", she said. She picked me up and carried me to our bed. "Do you want to change your clothes", she asked quietly but I shook my head no. I realized just then how tired I was. My eyes closed instantly. "I love you, baby. I promise I will be there for you two more", she whispered and her lips touched mine. "I know. Love you, too", I mumbled back. Falling asleep.

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